The folks on [EMAIL PROTECTED] were musing that the rand() tests are
documented to fail about 1% of the time.  Now that we're smoke
testing, we're easily running it a few dozen times a day and that 1%
is going to start showing up.

So we simply push off the problem a bit by increasing the # of reps by
an order of magnitude.  This increases the time to run the test by
about a half second on my machine (G3/266) so no biggie.

Some statistics nut should recalculate the hints in the test based on
this change.

I also stripped the now pointless srand call.  rand() should work fine
without it.

--- t/op/rand.t 2001/09/03 10:03:33     1.1
+++ t/op/rand.t 2001/09/03 10:03:59
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@
 print "1..11\n";
-srand;                 # Shouldn't need this with 5.004...
-                       # But I'll include it now and test for
-                       # whether we needed it later.
-my $reps = 1000;       # How many times to try rand each time.
+my $reps = 10000;      # How many times to try rand each time.
                        # May be changed, but should be over 500.
                        # The more the better! (But slower.)


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
"Let's face it," said bearded Rusty Simmons, opening a can after the
race.  "This is a good excuse to drink some beer."  At 10:30 in the
morning?  "Well, it's past noon in Dublin," said teammate Mike
[Joseph] Schwern.  "It's our duty."
    -- "Sure, and It's a Great Day for Irish Runners" 
       Newsday, Sunday, March 20, 1988

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