0.11 shipped with problems on 5.005_03 and 5.004.  I forgot to test it
against them. :(  0.12 fixes that.

I've just added this mess into my Makefile.PL to have "make test" run
against 5.004 and 5.005_03

    package MY;

    sub test_via_harness {
        my($self, $orig_perl, $tests) = @_;

        my @perls = ($orig_perl);
        push @perls, qw(perl5.00503 perl5.004) if $ENV{PERL_TEST_ALL};

        my $out;
        foreach my $perl (@perls) {
            $out .= $self->SUPER::test_via_harness($perl, $tests);

        return $out;

0.12  Tue Aug 14 11:02:39 EDT 2001
    * Fixed some compatibility bugs with older Perls
      (Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)

0.11  Sat Aug 11 23:05:19 EDT 2001
    * Will no longer warn about testing undef values
    - Escaping # in test names
    - Ensuring that ok() returns true or false and not undef
    - Minor doc typo in the example


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
navy ritual:
first caulk the boards of the deck,
then plug up my ass.
        -- japhy

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