0.17  Wed Aug 29 20:16:28 EDT 2001
    * Added can_ok() and isa_ok() to Test::More

             can_ok($module, @methods);

           Checks to make sure the $module can do these @methods
           (works with functions, too).

               can_ok('Foo', qw(this that whatever));

           is almost exactly like saying:

               ok( Foo->can('this') );
               ok( Foo->can('that') );
               ok( Foo->can('whatever') );

           only without all the typing.  Handy for quickly
           enforcing an interface.

           Each method counts as a seperate test.

             isa_ok($object, $class);

           Checks to see if the given $object->isa($class).  Also
           checks to make sure the object was defined in the
           first place.  Handy for this sort of thing:

               my $obj = Some::Module->new;
               isa_ok( $obj, 'Some::Module' );

           where you'd otherwise have to write

               my $obj = Some::Module->new;
               ok( defined $obj && $obj->isa('Some::Module') );

           to safeguard against your test script blowing up.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
I know you get this a lot, but you're breathtaking, like a vision of

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