I've scheduled the usual BOF for Perl trainers at the beginning of OSCON
to avoid conflict with the more popular events.  See


which says:

Date: Monday, July 24
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Portland 252

Do you teach Perl? Whether you make your entire living running a Perl
training business, or whether you've been coopted to bring your workgroup
up to speed on Perl, this BOF is for you to meet others who are in the
same position. 

Come and share the lessons you've learned, or ask others how they handle
issues you're grappling with. Whether it's the student who monopolizes
Q&A, developing a Perl 6 strategy, or organizing hands-on examples, you
can tell us how you handled it or find out how others did.

Sorry I couldn't get it for 6:00 as usual, they aren't starting any BOFs
before 7:00 this year.

Peter Scott

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