
I tried to make my Perl5 code unicode compliant after reading a post on

As suggested in the post:

    “always run incoming stuff through NFD and outbound stuff from NFC.”

I got a hard time finding why my Test::More was failing but displaying
exactly the same strings for “got” and “expected”.

I finally check how UTF-8 sources are handled and found that they are in
NFC form, I run the following script:

#+begin_src perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use utf8;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Unicode::Normalize;

my $unistring = 'C’est une chaîne unicode';

my @forms = ("NFD", "NFC", "NFKD", "NFKC");

for my $form (@forms) {
        if ($unistring eq &$form($unistring)) {
                print "UTF-8 source is in form '$form'\n";

and got:

UTF-8 source is in form 'NFC'
UTF-8 source is in form 'NFKC'

So, the Test::More::is_deeply was trying to compare an input in NFD with
the expected string in NFC.

My code can use Unicode::Collate, but for all the code I did not write I
wonder if there is a way to handle it cleanly.

Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?



Daniel Dehennin
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