
It's been a busy day on the commit front.  Let me explain ...

This morning Jeremy committed a set of patches that Reini Urban submitted to the users list. I then backed these changes out. I had a couple of motivations:

(1) I wanted the commits in smaller chunks, to reflect the (fairly major) bits of functionality Reini had provided. There's a set of minor enhancements that I have already committed again, changes relating to shell DropDrop integration and changes related to Custom Draw support.

(2) Some of what Reini has done overlaps with work I already had in progress, and I want a chance to get the 2 bits of work merged before committing.

so, expect more activity over the next week or so. I'm working towards a V1.04 release, which needs the following completing:

- completion and integration of my Win32::GUI::Constants work
- integration of my thread-safe support work (Win32::GUI::ThreaUtils)
- integration of Reini and my DragDrop support
- integration of Reini's CustomDraw support


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