Robert May schrieb:
OK, I've not had a chance to keep up with your tests this week, and trying to catch up now find myself mightily confused. Some of the patches seem to be against the source that I called 1.01_03, some seem to be incremental (probably on the previous set of patches?). To add to my confusion, my local source has changes beyond the 1.01_03 source that you have.

All of them are against 1.01_03, not incremental. To make it easier.

As far as I did get I was failing one test, but I can't tell if that's because I didn't apply your patches correctly. However, what you are doing is great, and I want to encourage you to continue, but I am not going to get the time in the next couple of weeks to do much more than just keep up with the mail on this list.

I do want to get a V1.02 release out though.  Here's what I propose:
(4) Once I have a bit more time, I'll work with Reini to get the test suite updated. I'm sure that doing this will turn up more issues than those already found by Reini, and that should drive a following release.

Reini, I hope that leaving your tests out of this release is OK with you, but I simply don't have time to deal with it now, and I had set expectations of a release this week.. (If anyone else has time, and we can get some confidence that the tests pass in the various different environments by the end of the week, then I'd be happy to take them.) I do agree with Jez, that going forward, if you would like to contribute the easiest way for everyone would be for you to mail Aldo and get your own CVS access. At a minimum I think that you should get yourself anonymous CVS access so that you can keep a local source tree synchronised with the changes others are making - I can provide help with this if you need it.

Thanks, no help needed :)
I'm administrator of phpwiki at and maintainer of several
cygwin projects. If you have questions maybe I can help out :)

I'll ask Aldo then. Also for several Win32::API gcc patches needed.
I took over C::DynaLib recently and want to add gcc support (cygwin + mingw) for Win32::API. C::DynaLib callbacks at least works fine for Win32, in contrary to Win32::API.
Reini Urban

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