
I have spent much time to force my program working on my way and finally lost...
Below is the code. The question is: how to force the comboboxes (f2,f3) 
to catch TAB event similarly to that of the textfields(f0,f1)?

The mark of such behavior would be printing the "gogo" letters.


PS I do not want use Win32::GUI::DialogBox; just want to catch keyboard events 
in comboboxes.

use Win32::GUI qw();
use warnings;
use strict;

my $where = 0;

my $mw  = new Win32::GUI::Window(
 -title => "Tab problem",
 -name  => "hmmm",
 -pos   => [ 100, 100 ],
 -size  => [ 310, 200 ],

my $f0      = $mw->AddTextfield(
 -name      => "f0",
 -text      => "1",
 -pos       => [  10, 10],
 -size      => [ 100, 20],
 -onKeyDown => \&::gogo,

my $f1 = $mw->AddTextfield(
 -name      => "f1",
 -text      => "2",
 -pos       => [ 120, 10],
 -size      => [ 100, 20],
 -onKeyDown => \&::gogo,

my $f2 = $mw->AddCombobox(
 -name         => "f2",
 -pos          => [  10,  50 ],
 -size         => [ 100, 100 ],
 -dropdown     => 1,
 -dropdownlist => 1,
 -onKeyDown    => \&::gogo,


my $f3 = $mw->AddCombobox(
 -name         => "f3",
 -pos          => [ 120,  50 ],
 -size         => [ 100, 100 ],
 -dropdown     => 1,
 -dropdownlist => 1,
 -onKeyDown    => \&::gogo,



sub gogo {
        print "gogo\n";

        $f0->SetFocus() if $where == 3;
        $f3->SetFocus() if $where == 2;
        $f2->SetFocus() if $where == 1;
        $f1->SetFocus() if $where == 0;

        $where = 0 if $where > 3;


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