Jon Bjornstad <> wrote:
> I have a large Perl/Tk application that
> I've been working on for almost 10 years and continue to enjoy
> fiddling with: 
> I recently noticed that ActiveState Perl does not include
> Tk in the distribution and that 
> it is not available via ppm either.

I have that version installed, as well as Tk 804.028. According to my
ppm GUI (I have just checked), it is available from the Activestate

>   Rather Tkx
> is recommended.   Is this all due to Nick's passing
> or has Perl/Tk simply 'run its course' and something better has taken
> its place? 
> I can certainly continue using the existing Perl and Tk that I have
> but do wonder about directions for the future. 
> How difficult will it be to transform a Perl/Tk application into
> using Tkx with the different 
> syntax of widget creation, etc?   Is it worth the
> trouble?

It might be worth considering Tkx if you want to do any more than
tinkering with your existing app, or you have some spare time. Its on my
'would be nice' list but I haven't needed to develop any gui scripts for
a while, so I haven't tried it yet, but I think that the result look
quite good (e.g. the ppm gui). I came across the following Tk tutorial
(it may well have been somebody on this list that provided the pointer),
which gives its example code in multiple languages, including Perl using

If you do go for it, and come up with any useful advice for converting
PerlTk to Tkx, then please share.


Brian Raven 
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