my system is windows 2000 , IIS 5.0

i am using the Mail::Sender module with the code below, the problem is that 
all the e-mails are saved to the


there is also another file in the dir which is called


the file type for this is :Certificate Trust List

when double clicked the file brings up a dialog box which says

"Invalid Public Key Security File" , "this is an invalid security trust file"

i have no idea what this means , please can someone help ?

perl code --------------------


use Mail::Sender;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

 ref ($sender = new Mail::Sender({from => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',smtp
 => ''})) or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";

 (ref ($sender->MailFile(
  {to =>[EMAIL PROTECTED]', subject => 'this is a test',
   msg => "Hi Johnie.\nI'm sending you the pictures you wanted.",
   file => 'c:\ukemails\Greenstone.bmp'
  and print "Mail sent OK."
 or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";


note the code works fine if i use another SMTP server, and not localhost

thank you in advance

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