> ' We have the database so lets set the properties that we want.
> CompObject.Value("ConstructionEnabled") = True
> CompObject.Value("ConstructorString") = Chr(34) +
> "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Driver={SQL Server};User
> ID=momma;Password=;DATABASE=BigDog;SERVER=" & strServer & ";" + Chr(34)
> Anyone heard of interacting directly with the MS COM+ API's via Perl or some
> Perl Module?  I struck out searching www.perl.com

use OLE;

$CompObject = OLE CreateObject("CompObject.Foo"); # I forget the
$CompObject->{ConstructionEnabled} = 1;
$CompObject->{ConstructorString} = char(34) .
Server};UserID=momma;Password=;DATABASE=BigDog;SERVER=$strServer;" .

What do you mean by 'interacting directly with the COM+ API'? Do you
want to make raw calls to the DLL with Win32::API as opposed to using
the COM interface?
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