Hi all,

I'm having a problem, using ppm3 over a HTTP proxy that requires

If I set these environment var's
I can 'search' the Active Repository.

But when I want to install a package I get this nasty error message:

Error: error downloading '<path to the tar.gz file>': 407 Proxy-Auth

Can anybody explain me the reason, why search-ing works, while install-ing doesn't?
Is there a solution (other than downloading the files via a browser and creating a
local repository)?

Thanks and regards,
Gerhard Petrowitsch                                Tel.: +49 8151 270 126
SP3D Chip Design GmbH                    Fax:  +49 8151 270 200
Petersbrunnerstr. 17                Home Office: +49 821 9069 741
82319 Starnberg, Germany      SERI: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        - SP3D is a subsidiary of Philips Semiconductors -
Be like the ant.  When the ant gets a mixture of sand and sugar,
it selects only sugar; it neglects sand. See only good in others.
Pay no attention to the bad.                                (Sathya Sai Baba)

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