RE: Perl-Win32-Users Digest, Vol 70, Issue 1

2012-06-05 Thread Robert W Weaver
Barry Brevik wrote on 06/04/2012 06:34:07 PM:
 Thank you for the detailed response, even if it is depressing.

Don't think of it as depressing, think of it as an opportunity.  Gathering 
all your logs could provide more insight into your environment.

Attached is a toy I wrote.

The idea is to have a central point (in this case, my laptop) with a 
little mysql node on it.  I then create a table,
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra|
| logID| int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL| 
auto_increment |
| Category | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL||
| CategoryString   | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| ComputerName | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| Data | text | YES  | | NULL||
| EventCode| int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL||
| EventIdentifier  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL||
| EventType| int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| InsertionStrings | text | YES  | | NULL||
| LogFile  | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| Message  | text | YES  | | NULL||
| RecordNumber | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL||
| SourceName   | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| TimeGenerated| datetime | YES  | | NULL||
| TimeWritten  | datetime | YES  | | NULL||
| Type | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| User | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| Host | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||
| string   | tinytext | YES  | | NULL||

One runs the toy periodically, with $0 -H fully qualified target name 
across all the possible client machines, and build up this DB.  IIRC, I 
had a watchdog program that would maintain a table of all the clients, and 
then poll this for all the TimeWritten and poll the clients based upon 
the order of the TimeWritten.  That way, I could have five or six 
instances of the toy running, cover all my clients, and still not hang 
dead on missing machines.  Then, at your leisure, you can ask questions 
like what machines have event ID 528 or 540 and logon type 2?  These 
would be the local clients.  The more interesting query would be are 
there network logins from sources that I don't know about -- the debian 
laptop that someone is using a remote login from, for example, that you 
hadn't expected.  Designing that SQL query is left as an exercise.. :-)


Dr. Robert Woody Weaver
GBS Cybersecurity  Privacy
IT Security Architect
Cell: 301-524-8138

I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning.
-- Plato
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Re: Perl-Win32-Users Digest, Vol 70, Issue 1

2012-06-04 Thread Robert W Weaver wrote on 06/04/2012 
03:00:03 PM:
 I have a need to determine which client machine a given user (or all
 users) has logged into the domain from.
 I'm willing to back into it by starting with all client machines. I'm

If you can access via WMI, there is a mib Win32_SystemUsers that is 
helpful.  I'm including some code from another project.  Build @Hosts with 
the client machines.  This just outputs the data in tab delimited format 
(this was just for a dozen machines and that made sense) but throwing into 
a DB for queries might make sense.
Sample output:
FredGuest   Fred
FredAdministrator   Fred
Fredpingsweep   Fred
FredBob AD
FredAlice   AD
FredChuck   AD

That is, Administrator logged into the machine Fred locally, user Bob 
logged into the machine from the domain, etc.  This is answering the 
question of to.

On the other hand, if you are really asking the question from, you have 
to go to the event logs; there, you can get if a login was local or via 
the network.  The problem, of course, is that it is very transitory; on 
machine B you can find out that person logged in from machine A, but then 
you have to go back to see who logged into A at that time.

print join( \t, 'host', 'user', 'domain' ), \n;
foreach my $server (@Hosts) {
  warn Connecting to $server\n;
  my $locatorObj = Win32::OLE-new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator')
|| die Error creating locator object: 
. Win32::OLE-LastError() . \n;
  $locatorObj-{Security_}-{impersonationlevel} = 3;
  my $serverObj = $locatorObj-ConnectServer(# connect to WMI server
$server, # on this host
'\root\cimv2',   # this namespace
$opts{'u'},  # user
)# password
|| die Error connecting to $server: 
. Win32::OLE-LastError() . \n;
  warn Connected.\n;
  my $users = 0;
  foreach my $obj ( in $serverObj-InstancesOf('Win32_SystemUsers') ) {
my $group = $obj-{GroupComponent};
my $part  = $obj-{PartComponent};
my $host  = pullRefs($group);
my $user  = pullRefs($part);
my ( $tmp, $subpart ) = split( /,/, $part );
my $domain = pullRefs($subpart);
print join( \t, $host, $user, $domain ), \n;
  warn $users users found.\n;
} ## end foreach my $server (@Hosts)

sub pullRefs {
  my $str = shift;
  my $tmp;
  my $rv;
  ( $tmp, $rv, $tmp ) = split( /\/, $str );
  return $rv;

Dr. Robert Woody Weaver
GBS Cybersecurity  Privacy
IT Security Architect
Cell: 301-524-8138

Anything else you wish to draw to my attention, Mr. Holmes ?
The curious incident of the stable dog in the nighttime.
But the dog did nothing in the nighttime.
That was the curious incident.
-- A. Conan Doyle, Silver Blaze

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RE: Perl-Win32-Users Digest, Vol 70, Issue 1

2012-06-04 Thread Barry Brevik
Thank you for the detailed response, even if it is depressing.

Barry Brevik

 On the other hand, if you are really asking the question from,
 you have to go to the event logs; there, you can get if a login
 was local or via the network.  The problem, of course, is that it
 is very transitory; on machine B you can find out that person logged
 in from machine A, but then you have to go back to see who logged into A at 
 that time. 

 print join( \t, 'host', 'user', 'domain' ), \n; 
 foreach my $server (@Hosts) { 
   warn Connecting to $server\n; 
   my $locatorObj = Win32::OLE-new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') 
    || die Error creating locator object:  
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