
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 02:31:59PM -0600, Bryan Baldus wrote:
> When I ran Lint on a file of records, one of the errors I received was "250:
> Subfield _b is not allowed."

The LC doc [1] is meticulously formatted (which is what allows
specs to do what it does). Unfortunately the 250 has a slight defect:

--Edition, Imprint, etc. Fields 250-270--
      First - Undefined
         # - Undefined
      Second - Undefined
         # - Undefined
   Subfield Codes
      $a - Edition statement (NR)
      $b - Remainder of edition statement(NR)           <===== HERE
      $6 - Linkage (NR)
      $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

Notice how the (NR) following the $b line doesn't have a preceding space
like the other equivalent spots? Well, this threw off the regex in 
specs, and caused the 250 $b to not make it into's rules.

Yucky! But it's fixed. Verification before and after with diff show that
it was the only data point that had that problem. So **KUDOS** to you for 
catching it.

The fix has been committed to CVS and will go out with the next version
of MARC::Record.



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