In perl.git, the branch blead has been updated


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 141513f22bae5fcd32067ac152c1fcfe5a1b1a5d
Author: Karl Williamson <>
Date:   Sun Feb 4 19:43:00 2018 -0700

    regcomp.c: Under/i segregate folding vs non-folding characters
    For matching sequences of characters, the regex compiler generates
    various flavors of EXACT-type nodes.  The optimizer uses those nodes to
    look for sequences that must be in the matched string.  In this way, the
    pattern matching engine may be able to quickly rule out any possible
    match altogether, or to narrow down the places in the target string that
    might match.
    Under /i matching, this generally has not been possible, because there
    is no fixed string that the optimizer can grab onto, as something can
    match, say, either 'A' or 'a', etc.  However, in many patterns that
    contain text, there are characters that are fixed even under /i.  Things
    like tabs, space, and punctuation, for example.
    This commit segregates such folding vs non-folding characters into
    separate nodes.  I proposed this 7 months ago:
    and in talking with Yves recently, decided to go ahead with it.
    In the proposal of July, I suggested that a new node type be used to
    mark those nodes which are under /i but contain no characters that match
    other than themselves under /i.  These nodes could be joined with either
    a plain EXACT node, or an EXACTFish one to create longer nodes.
    The reason for joining is that there is overhead in the engine whenever
    we switch to the next node.  But the reason for not doing it is that it
    is slower to match /i nodes than ones that an memEQ can be used on.
    I suppose we could join short nodes, and leave longer ones separate, but
    that decision can be deferred based on real-world experience.
    This patch also consolidates into one place the handling of the Latin
    Sharp S, in order to avoid extra #ifdefs, and cause the logic to be
    linearly shown.


Summary of changes:
 regcomp.c | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
index fdc3c31c2e..9d19d3e889 100644
--- a/regcomp.c
+++ b/regcomp.c
@@ -3695,10 +3695,7 @@ S_construct_ahocorasick_from_trie(pTHX_ RExC_state_t 
*pRExC_state, regnode *sour
  * XXX khw thinks this should be enhanced to fill EXACT (at least) nodes as 
  * as possible, even if that means splitting an existing node so that its first
  * part is moved to the preceeding node.  This would maximise the efficiency of
- * memEQ during matching.  Elsewhere in this file, khw proposes splitting
- * EXACTFish nodes into portions that don't change under folding vs those that
- * do.  Those portions that don't change may be the only things in the pattern 
- * could be used to find fixed and floating strings.
+ * memEQ during matching.
  * If a node is to match under /i (folded), the number of characters it matches
  * can be different than its character length if it contains a multi-character
@@ -13297,7 +13294,18 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, 
U32 depth)
            char *s0;
            U8 upper_parse = MAX_NODE_STRING_SIZE;
-            U8 node_type = compute_EXACTish(pRExC_state);
+            /* We start out as an EXACT node, even if under /i, until we find a
+             * character which is in a fold.  The algorithm now segregates into
+             * separate nodes, characters that fold from those that don't under
+             * /i.  (This hopefull will create nodes that are fixed strings
+             * even under /i, giving the optimizer something to grab onto to.)
+             * So, if a node has something in it and the next character is in
+             * the opposite category, that node is closed up, and the function
+             * returns.  Then regatom is called again, and a new node is
+             * created for the new category. */
+            U8 node_type = EXACT;
             bool next_is_quantifier;
             char * oldp = NULL;
@@ -13311,14 +13319,7 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, 
U32 depth)
              * which don't participate in folds with Latin1-range characters,
              * as the latter's folds aren't known until runtime.  (We don't
              * need to figure this out until pass 2) */
-            bool maybe_exactfu = PASS2
-                               && (node_type == EXACTF || node_type == 
-            /* If a folding node contains only code points that don't
-             * participate in folds, it can be changed into an EXACT node,
-             * which allows the optimizer more things to look for, and is
-             * faster to match */
-            bool maybe_exact;
+            bool maybe_exactfu = PASS2;
             /* The node_type may change below, but since the size of the node
              * doesn't change, it works */
@@ -13332,15 +13333,6 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, 
U32 depth)
-            /* We look for the EXACTFish to EXACT node optimizaton only if
-             * folding.  (And we don't need to figure this out until pass 2).
-             * XXX It might actually make sense to split the node into portions
-             * that are exact and ones that aren't, so that we could later use
-             * the exact ones to find the longest fixed and floating strings.
-             * One would want to join them back into a larger node.  One could
-             * use a pseudo regnode like 'EXACT_ORIG_FOLD' */
-            maybe_exact = FOLD && PASS2;
             /* This breaks under rare circumstances.  If folding, we do not
              * want to split a node at a character that is a non-final in a
              * multi-char fold, as an input string could just happen to want to
@@ -13357,7 +13349,9 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, 
U32 depth)
             /* Here, we have a literal character.  Find the maximal string of
              * them in the input that we can fit into a single EXACTish node.
-             * We quit at the first non-literal or when the node gets full */
+             * We quit at the first non-literal or when the node gets full, or
+             * under /i the categorization of folding/non-folding character
+             * changes */
            for (p = RExC_parse; len < upper_parse && p < RExC_end; ) {
                 /* In most cases each iteration adds one byte to the output.
@@ -13709,8 +13703,17 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, 
U32 depth)
                 else if (LOC && is_PROBLEMATIC_LOCALE_FOLD_cp(ender)) {
                     /* Here are folding under /l, and the code point is
-                     * problematic.  First, we know we can't simplify things */
-                    maybe_exact = FALSE;
+                     * problematic.  If this is the first character in the
+                     * node, change the node type to folding.   Otherwise, if
+                     * this is the first problematic character, close up the
+                     * existing node, so can start a new node with this one */
+                    if (! len) {
+                        node_type = EXACTFL;
+                    }
+                    else if (node_type == EXACT) {
+                        p = oldp;
+                        goto loopdone;
+                    }
                     /* This code point means we can't simplify things */
                     maybe_exactfu = FALSE;
@@ -13730,51 +13733,83 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 
*flagp, U32 depth)
                      * do for both passes is the PASS2 code for non-folding */
                     goto not_fold_common;
-                else /* A regular FOLD code point */
-                    if (! (   UTF
-#if    UNICODE_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 /* no multifolds in early Unicode */   \
-   || (UNICODE_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (   UNICODE_DOT_VERSION > 0)       \
-                                      || UNICODE_DOT_DOT_VERSION > 0)
-                            /* See comments for join_exact() as to why we fold
-                             * this non-UTF at compile time */
-                            || (   node_type == EXACTFU
-                                && ender == LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S)
-                )) {
+                else                /* A regular FOLD code point */
+                     if (! UTF)
+                {
                     /* Here, are folding and are not UTF-8 encoded; therefore
                      * the character must be in the range 0-255, and is not /l.
                      * (Not /l because we already handled these under /l in
                      * is_PROBLEMATIC_LOCALE_FOLD_cp) */
-                    if (IS_IN_SOME_FOLD_L1(ender)) {
-                        maybe_exact = FALSE;
+                    if (! IS_IN_SOME_FOLD_L1(ender)) {
-                        /* See if the character's fold differs between /d and
-                         * /u.  This includes the multi-char fold SHARP S to
-                         * 'ss' */
-                        if (UNLIKELY(ender == LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S)) {
-                            RExC_seen_unfolded_sharp_s = 1;
-                            maybe_exactfu = FALSE;
+                        /* Start a new node for this non-folding character if
+                         * previous ones in the node were folded */
+                        if (len && node_type != EXACT) {
+                            p = oldp;
+                            goto loopdone;
-                        else if (maybe_exactfu
-                            && (PL_fold[ender] != PL_fold_latin1[ender]
+                        *(s++) = (char) ender;
+                    }
+                    else {  /* Here, does participate in some fold */
+                        /* if this is the first character in the node, change
+                         * its type to folding.  Otherwise, if this is the
+                         * first folding character in the node, close up the
+                         * existing node, so can start a new node with this
+                         * one.  */
+                        if (! len) {
+                            node_type = compute_EXACTish(pRExC_state);
+                        }
+                        else if (node_type == EXACT) {
+                            p = oldp;
+                            goto loopdone;
+                        }
+                        /* See if the character's fold differs between /d and
+                         * /u.  On non-ancient Unicode versions, this includes
+                         * the multi-char fold SHARP S to 'ss' */
 #if    UNICODE_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 /* no multifolds in early Unicode */   \
    || (UNICODE_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (   UNICODE_DOT_VERSION > 0)       \
                                       || UNICODE_DOT_DOT_VERSION > 0)
-                                || (   len > 0
-                                    && isALPHA_FOLD_EQ(ender, 's')
-                                    && isALPHA_FOLD_EQ(*(s-1), 's'))
+                        if (UNLIKELY(ender == LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S)) {
+                            /* See comments for join_exact() as to why we fold
+                             * this non-UTF at compile time */
+                            if (node_type == EXACTFU) {
+                                *(s++) = 's';
+                                /* Let the code below add in the extra 's' */
+                                ender = 's';
+                                added_len = 2;
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                RExC_seen_unfolded_sharp_s = 1;
+                                maybe_exactfu = FALSE;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else if (   len
+                                 && isALPHA_FOLD_EQ(ender, 's')
+                                 && isALPHA_FOLD_EQ(*(s-1), 's'))
+                        {
+                            maybe_exactfu = FALSE;
+                        }
+                        else
-                        )) {
+                        if (PL_fold[ender] != PL_fold_latin1[ender]) {
                             maybe_exactfu = FALSE;
-                    }
                         /* Even when folding, we store just the input
                          * character, as we have an array that finds its fold
                          * quickly */
                         *(s++) = (char) ender;
+                    }
-                else {  /* FOLD, and UTF (or sharp s) */
+                else {  /* FOLD, and UTF */
                     /* Unlike the non-fold case, we do actually have to
                      * calculate the fold in pass 1.  This is for two reasons,
                      * the folded length may be longer than the unfolded, and
@@ -13783,41 +13818,72 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 
*flagp, U32 depth)
                      * of a potential multi-char fold, and have to back off
                      * accordingly.  */
-                    UV folded;
                     if (isASCII_uni(ender)) {
-                        folded = toFOLD(ender);
-                        *(s)++ = (U8) folded;
+                        /* As above, we close up and start a new node if the
+                         * previous characters don't match the fold/non-fold
+                         * state of this one.  And if this is the first
+                         * character in the node, and it folds, we change the
+                         * node away from being EXACT */
+                        if (! IS_IN_SOME_FOLD_L1(ender)) {
+                            if (len && node_type != EXACT) {
+                                p = oldp;
+                                goto loopdone;
+                            }
+                            *(s)++ = (U8) ender;
+                        }
+                        else {  /* Is in a fold */
+                            if (! len) {
+                                node_type = compute_EXACTish(pRExC_state);
+                            }
+                            else if (node_type == EXACT) {
+                                p = oldp;
+                                goto loopdone;
+                            }
+                            *(s)++ = (U8) toFOLD(ender);
+                        }
                     else {  /* Not ASCII */
                         STRLEN foldlen;
-                        folded = _to_uni_fold_flags(
+                        /* As above, we close up and start a new node if the
+                         * previous characters don't match the fold/non-fold
+                         * state of this one.  And if this is the first
+                         * character in the node, and it folds, we change the
+                         * node away from being EXACT */
+                        if (! _invlist_contains_cp(PL_utf8_foldable, ender)) {
+                            if (len && node_type != EXACT) {
+                                p = oldp;
+                                goto loopdone;
+                            }
+                            s = (char *) uvchr_to_utf8((U8 *) s, ender);
+                            added_len = UVCHR_SKIP(ender);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            if (! len) {
+                                node_type = compute_EXACTish(pRExC_state);
+                            }
+                            else if (node_type == EXACT) {
+                                p = oldp;
+                                goto loopdone;
+                            }
+                            ender = _to_uni_fold_flags(
                                      (U8 *) s,
                                      FOLD_FLAGS_FULL | ((ASCII_FOLD_RESTRICTED)
                                                         : 0));
-                        s += foldlen;
-                        added_len = foldlen;
-                    }
-                    /* If this node only contains non-folding code points so
-                     * far, see if this new one is also non-folding */
-                    if (maybe_exact) {
-                        if (folded != ender) {
-                            maybe_exact = FALSE;
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            /* Here the fold is the original; we have to check
-                             * further to see if anything folds to it */
-                            if (_invlist_contains_cp(PL_utf8_foldable,
-                                                        ender))
-                            {
-                                maybe_exact = FALSE;
-                            }
+                            s += foldlen;
+                            added_len = foldlen;
-                    ender = folded;
                 len += added_len;
@@ -14003,21 +14069,27 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 
*flagp, U32 depth)
                 OP(ret) = NOTHING;
             else {
-                if (FOLD) {
-                    /* If 'maybe_exact' is still set here, means there are no
-                     * code points in the node that participate in folds;
-                     * similarly for 'maybe_exactfu' and code points that match
-                     * differently depending on UTF8ness of the target string
-                     * (for /u), or depending on locale for /l */
-                    if (maybe_exact) {
-                        OP(ret) = (LOC)
-                                  ? EXACTL
-                                  : EXACT;
+                OP(ret) = node_type;
+                /* If the node type is EXACT here, check to see if it
+                 * should be EXACTL. */
+                if (node_type == EXACT) {
+                    if (LOC) {
+                        OP(ret) = EXACTL;
-                    else if (maybe_exactfu) {
-                        OP(ret) = (LOC)
-                                  ? EXACTFLU8
-                                  : EXACTFU;
+                }
+                if (FOLD) {
+                    /* If 'maybe_exactfu' is set, then there are no code points
+                     * that match differently depending on UTF8ness of the
+                     * target string (for /u), or depending on locale for /l */
+                    if (maybe_exactfu) {
+                        if (node_type == EXACTF) {
+                            OP(ret) = EXACTFU;
+                        }
+                        else if (node_type == EXACTFL) {
+                            OP(ret) = EXACTFLU8;
+                        }

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