Change 34814 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2008/11/10 23:28:35

        add -t (tabular option) to Porting/
        This allows multiple source trees to be compared

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/Porting/ edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/perl/Porting/ (text) ====
Index: perl/Porting/
--- perl/Porting/   2007-06-26 00:22:36.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/Porting/    2008-11-10 15:28:35.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Reports, in a perl source tree, which dual-lived core modules have not the
 # same version than the corresponding module on CPAN.
+# with -t option, can compare multiple source trees in tabular form.
 use 5.9.0;
 use strict;
@@ -8,18 +9,26 @@
 use ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
 use lib 'Porting';
 use Maintainers qw(get_module_files %Modules);
+use Cwd;
+use List::Util qw(max);
 our $packagefile = '02packages.details.txt';
 sub usage () {
     die <<USAGE;
-$0 - report which core modules are outdated.
+$0 -t home1[:label] home2[:label] ...
+Report which core modules are outdated.
 To be run at the root of a perl source tree.
 Options :
 -h : help
 -v : verbose (print all versions of all files, not only those which differ)
 -f : force download of $packagefile from CPAN
      (it's expected to be found in the current directory)
+-t : display in tabular form CPAN vs one or more perl source trees
@@ -30,8 +39,21 @@
        or die "Failed to get package details\n";
 our $opt_h and usage;
+our $opt_t;
+my @sources = @ARGV ? @ARGV : '.';
+die "Too many directories speficied without -t option\n"
+    if @sources != 1 and ! $opt_t;
+               # handle /home/user/perl:bleed style labels
+               my ($dir,$label) = split /:/;
+               $label = $dir unless defined $label;
+               [ $dir, $label ];
+           } @sources;
 our $opt_f || !-f $packagefile and get_package_details;
 # Load the package details. All of them.
@@ -39,31 +61,97 @@
 open my $fh, $packagefile or die $!;
 while (<$fh>) {
     my ($p, $v) = split ' ';
+    next if 1../^\s*$/; # skip header
     $cpanversions{$p} = $v;
 close $fh;
-for my $dist (sort keys %Modules) {
-    next unless $Modules{$dist}{CPAN};
-    print "Module $dist...\n";
-    for my $file (get_module_files($dist)) {
-       next if $file !~ /\.pm\z/ or $file =~ m{^t/} or $file =~ m{/t/};
-       my $vcore = MM->parse_version($file) // 'undef';
-       my $module = $file;
-       $module =~ s/\.pm\z//;
-       # some heuristics to figure out the module name from the file name
-       $module =~ s{^(lib|ext)/}{}
-           and $1 eq 'ext'
-           and ( $module =~ s{^(.*)/lib/\1\b}{$1},
-                 $module =~ s{(\w+)/\1\b}{$1},
-                 $module =~ s{^Encode/encoding}{encoding},
-                 $module =~ s{^MIME/Base64/QuotedPrint}{MIME/QuotedPrint},
-                 $module =~ s{^List/Util/lib/Scalar}{Scalar},
-               );
-       $module =~ s{/}{::}g;
-       my $vcpan = $cpanversions{$module} // 'not found';
-       if (our $opt_v or $vcore ne $vcpan) {
-           print "    $file: core=$vcore, cpan=$vcpan\n";
+my %results;
+# scan source tree(s) and CPAN module list, and put results in %results
+foreach my $source (@sources) {
+    my ($srcdir, $label) = @$source;
+    my $olddir = getcwd();
+    chdir $srcdir or die "chdir $srcdir: $!\n";
+    for my $dist (sort keys %Modules) {
+       next unless $Modules{$dist}{CPAN};
+       for my $file (get_module_files($dist)) {
+           next if $file !~ /\.pm\z/ or $file =~ m{^t/} or $file =~ m{/t/};
+           my $vcore = '!EXIST';
+           $vcore = MM->parse_version($file) // 'undef' if -f $file;
+           my $module = $file;
+           $module =~ s/\.pm\z//;
+           # some heuristics to figure out the module name from the file name
+           $module =~ s{^(lib|ext)/}{}
+               and $1 eq 'ext'
+               and ( $module =~ s{^(.*)/lib/\1\b}{$1},
+                     $module =~ s{(\w+)/\1\b}{$1},
+                     $module =~ s{^Encode/encoding}{encoding},
+                     $module =~ s{^MIME/Base64/QuotedPrint}{MIME/QuotedPrint},
+                     $module =~ s{^List/Util/lib/Scalar}{Scalar},
+                   );
+           $module =~ s{/}{::}g;
+           my $vcpan = $cpanversions{$module} // 'undef';
+           $results{$dist}{$file}{$label} = $vcore;
+           $results{$dist}{$file}{CPAN} = $vcpan;
+       }
+    }
+    chdir $olddir or die "chdir $olddir: $!\n";
+# output %results in the requested format
+my @labels = ((map $_->[1], @sources), 'CPAN' );
+if ($opt_t) {
+    my %changed;
+    my @fields;
+    for my $dist (sort keys %results) {
+       for my $file (sort keys %{$results{$dist}}) {
+           my @versions = @[EMAIL PROTECTED];
+           for (0..$#versions) {
+               $fields[$_] = max($fields[$_],
+                                 length $versions[$_],
+                                 length $labels[$_],
+                                 length '!EXIST'
+                               );
+           }
+           if (our $opt_v or grep $_ ne $versions[0], @versions) {
+               $changed{$dist} = 1;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    printf "%*s ", $fields[$_], $labels[$_] for 0..$#labels;
+    print "\n";
+    printf "%*s ", $fields[$_], '-' x length $labels[$_] for 0..$#labels;
+    print "\n";
+    my $field_total;
+    $field_total += $_ + 1 for @fields;
+    for my $dist (sort keys %results) {
+       next unless $changed{$dist};
+       print " " x $field_total, " $dist\n";
+       for my $file (sort keys %{$results{$dist}}) {
+           my @versions = @[EMAIL PROTECTED];
+           for (0..$#versions) {
+               printf "%*s ", $fields[$_], $versions[$_]//'!EXIST'
+           }
+           print "    $file\n";
+       }
+    }
+else {
+    for my $dist (sort keys %results) {
+       print "Module $dist...\n";
+       for my $file (sort keys %{$results{$dist}}) {
+           my ($vcpan, $vcore) = @[EMAIL PROTECTED];
+           if (our $opt_v or $vcore ne $vcpan) {
+               print "    $file: core=$vcore, cpan=$vcpan\n";
+           }
End of Patch.

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