$ echo $PATH

$ make mopstest
cd examples && cd assembly && make mops.pbc PERL=perl5.7.2-i386-freebsd && cd .. && cd 
perl5.7.2-i386-freebsd -I../../lib ../../assemble.pl mops.pasm > mops.pbc
test_parrot examples/assembly/mops.pbc
test_parrot:No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /stuff/parrot/play-jit.

$ ./test_parrot examples/assembly/mops.pbc
Iterations:    100000000
Estimated ops: 200000000
Elapsed time:  76.224550
M op/s:        2.623827

happy (but slow). Or for more speed:

$ ./test_parrot -j examples/assembly/mops.pbc
Iterations:    100000000
Estimated ops: 200000000
Elapsed time:  4.011099
M op/s:        49.861645

I can't work out a portable non-hacky way to add the ./ on Unix.
No, I'm not going to add . to my PATH.

Nicholas Clark
EMCFT http://www.ccl4.org/~nick/CV.html

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