# New Ticket Created by  Elizabeth Mattijsen 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128092]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128092 >

uguexe++ reporting, sortiz++ for following up


<lizmat>        m: my $a = "a"; say $a =:= $a   # yeah, True
<camelia>       rakudo-moar ac36d2: OUTPUT«True␤»
<lizmat>        m: my $a = "a"; say $a =:= $a || 0   # WAT?
<camelia>       rakudo-moar ac36d2: OUTPUT«1␤»
<sortiz>        Oops!
<lizmat>        *that's* the underlying bug
<lizmat>        m: say "a" =:= "a" || 0   # must be runtime
<camelia>       rakudo-moar ac36d2: OUTPUT«True␤»
<sortiz>        That seems of another level to me.
<lizmat>        looks like an optimizer bug:
<lizmat>        $ perl6 --optimize=0 -e 'my $a = "a"; say $a =:= $a || 0' 
<lizmat>        True
<lizmat>        $ perl6 --optimize=2 -e 'my $a = "a"; say $a =:= $a || 0' 
<lizmat>        1
<lizmat>        level 2 and up

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