Hi Vadim,
I'd put it this way: this API has not been stabilized yet. Though at the moment it's coming to some consensus.
Hopefully it would not be necessary to change the auth field which is the main issue of mine. Because fez is registering the user on its first run, the auth field is not needed to find the username later on.

Come to think of it, starting the auth field with 'fez' when it is stored on the fez ecosystem, cpan on the cpan system, etc. is information which is redundant. fez is checking the ecosystems one by one to find distributions just to find an auth starting with the same name as the ecosystem it is accessing.

Currently the only ecosystem with authentication is zef. In order to publish there fez would ask your password once in a while. This is also why all other ecosystems are considered deprecated.
I still have some trouble with fez just because of this auth field I think. There are others with the same issue.

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

Thanks for your information, I'll wait for its outcome,

On May 3, 2022, at 11:59 AM, Marcel Timmerman <mt1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Brad,

Auth is for more than just the author. It is for author, authority, and authentication.
There is no password or other cryptographic way, so authentication is not possible. Obviously, I might miss some insight here.

In the documentation I read; "|:auth| generally takes the form |hosting:ID|, as in |github:github-user| or |gitlab:gitlab-user|". For me, hosting is e.g. on GitHub or Gitlab to store the software, and ecosystems are for spreading the word, i.e. telling that there is a software available somewhere, and this somewhere is not important. That is the work for zef to find out.

And the word 'generally' means that it is just an example, it is in the end just a string. Furthermore, there is no mention in the docs of any use other than naming it in a useful way. No remarks of needing it to login into some ecosystem and no word about that separator, being a column, or split it up in more than two fields using an other character.

Searching through some distributions I find 'zef:lizmat', 'github:MARTIMM', 'tonyo', 'cpan:WARRINGD', 'github:ccworld1000, ccworld1...@gmail.com, 2291108...@qq.com', showing that there is absolutely no clear way to use that field. For me, it means again that the auth field must be completely free and the same, independent of the ecosystem in use.

CPAN can't authenticate github or fez modules, and vice versa. There is a reason the field is only the first four letters.
The word 'github' is longer.

That they are seen as different modules is an intended feature, not a bug.
I didn't want to say that it was a bug, sorry for the confusion.

I would like to know how you would want the system to handle a module from me. cpan:BGILLS github:b2gills and I intend to get b2gills on fez as well. (CPAN doesn't allow numbers, otherwise I would have it there to.)
Do you want to write several meta files with different auth fields depending on the ecosystem you want to send it to? The only thing you can do without much work is sending a project e.g. to fez and another to cpan but I don't see the use of spreading your projects over several ecosystems.

Also for a class you wrote, JSON::Class, what should I write (I took it to the extreme of course, 'use JSON::Class' would do)

use JSON::Class:auth<cpan:BGILLS>;
use JSON::Class:auth<github:b2gills>;
use JSON::Class:auth<fez:b2gills>;

All three are getting the same software, or not, when it is someone els-es auth.

What if someone else took a user name on github that matched one on CPAN or fez?
That is the point I want to make. Keeping the auth field the same everywhere, independent of ecosystem, will show that the software is the same everywhere. If that someone has the same account name as someone else on cpan or fez it will show a difference in the auth field.

So, I think there is a lot to ponder over....

On Mon, May 2, 2022, 3:23 PM Marcel Timmerman <mt1...@gmail.com> wrote:


    I was wondering about the 'auth' specification in the meta file
    or on the class/module/package. I was used to specify it as
    'github:MARTIMM' because I store the stuff on GitHub for all the
    goodies it offers. Now I see//that fez wants to start with
    'fez:' and when I look at the raku.land site for a module of
    mine I see a remark /'/The uploading author of cpan:MARTIMM does
    not match the META author of github:MARTIMM.' because I upload
    it to CPAN nowadays and have never specified somewhere that the
    auth has become 'cpan:MARTIMM'.

    I feel that this is not useful (even correct) to pin someone to
    use an auth specification with a defined prefix for some
    ecosystem one is using. So changing to another ecosystem forces
    that person to change the auth everywhere in its code and meta
    files to get rid of any errors or warnings. Besides that, the
    change of the author on the same code poses the question later
    on, if that code is forked and changed by someone else or that
    it is still the same developer working on it?


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