Re: [perl #133791] perl 6 parser bugging out on a comment thinking it is a real var

2019-01-26 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I believe the problem comes from `"{"` which actually starts an interpolated code block containing a string immediately. That's also why it doesn't complain about the "else" being in an odd place; it's also inside the string! So here's an equivalent piece of code that shows what's wrong: if reque

[perl #129779] [CONC] [SPESH] [PERF] Parallelizing code unexpectedly makes it slower

2017-04-16 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
with jnthn's recent patch to give every thread its own free-list for the FSA, the behavior is now much nicer. Here's a paste of a 40-core machine: here's a 24-core box (some google compute cloud machine zoffix rents) before the

[perl #131330] [PERF] for ^N { } got about 2.5x slower in 5401a1a

2017-06-12 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
Fixed it with rakudo commit 46b11f54c0 timotimo │ bench: 46b11f54c0,abfb52be1d for ^10_000_000 { } +benchabl+│ timotimo, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits +benchabl+│ timotimo, ¦46b11f5: «1.6712» ¦abfb52b: «4.4582» timotimo │ m: say 4.4582 / 1.6712 +camelia │ rakudo-

Re: [perl #131657] rakudobrew build moar fail

2017-06-28 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
the problem here is that we have a flag to ensure gcc explodes at us when we write code on linux that'd immediately explode on windows due to MSVC being somewhat archaic, but that flag is also set for third-party code, and since the arm dyncall stuff only gets tested once every few months at best,

[perl #131653] [SEGV] segfault when attempting to profile the Rakudo compile

2017-06-28 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
this was caused by instructions coming back from the dead, haunting usage counts by mysteriously dropping them by 1 or more, and then both the dead instruction and the lawful citizens of other blocks of code being executed by the local authorities. fixed with

[perl #131653] [SEGV] segfault when attempting to profile the Rakudo compile

2017-06-28 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
this was caused by instructions coming back from the dead, haunting usage counts by mysteriously dropping them by 1 or more, and then both the dead instruction and the lawful citizens of other blocks of code being executed by the local authorities. fixed with

Re: [perl #131758] [BUG] running script exit crash after update rakudo

2017-07-20 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I wrote a fix, could you try downgrading to 2017.06, running the script, applying the patch to your 2017.07, making sure the Makefile itself gets regenerated via, and install, then see if the program still crashes? the commit message

Re: [perl #131776] perl6-debug-m can't setlang on object of type Perl6::HookGrammar

2017-07-21 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
Already fixed in newer versions

Re: [perl #131813] Segfault with --profile

2017-07-28 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
It could be that the commit i just pushed to moarvm fixes this, please verify (the code doesn't crash with the patch)

Re: [perl #131841] AutoReply: [BUG] In a 'unit module', a 'die' along any CATCH block causes a compiler error

2017-08-07 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
Annoyingly, 2017.07 has a bug that makes every --ll-exception print that exact error. Here's what a newer version of rakudo gives you: > Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull) >at SETTING::src/core/ > (/home/timo/perl6/install/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:th

Re: [perl #132088] [REGRESSION][NATIVECALL] code broken by latest build

2017-09-15 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I just committed a hotfix so the upcoming release can go through. Hopefully it can be replaced with a proper implementation of optional parameters for the nativecall compiler soon.

[perl #131251] Useless use warning triggered on assignment forms of reverse metaops

2017-09-29 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
This also happens with other metaops than R, like [Z+]=, [X+]=, and also [S+]= (which admittedly doesn't do sensible things)

[perl #124455] substr on compact array

2017-10-02 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
The tests are bogus just the assumption that a substr of length 8 will give you 8 bits rather than 8 bytes, that's already wildly inconsistent with what substr does otherwise. really this code looks like the desire to have `vec` from perl5 implemented in perl6 by re-using the substr name. I thi

[perl #124455] substr on compact array

2017-10-02 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
Also, the design docs say you get the same kind of buffer back from substr on a buf, but we have subbuf for that now.

Re: [perl #132225] segmentation fault while concurrently updating SetHash

2017-10-10 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
This runs reliably when you let the lock-protected block return something unrelated to the hash:     #!/usr/bin/env perl6     use v6.c;     my $lock =;     my $set =;     await (^12).map: {     start {     for (^1000) {     $lock.protect: { $set<1> = True }     $lock.protect

Re: [perl #132225] segmentation fault while concurrently updating SetHash

2017-10-10 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
storage when the hash is resized) this will probably just get inconsistent results in whether it'll sink a true or a false. On 11/10/17 08:06, Timo Paulssen via RT wrote: > This runs reliably when you let the lock-protected block return > something unrelated to the hash: > >     #!/usr/

2017-10-17 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
fixed in moarvm commits a9267cb, 650e797, and 676723d. Needs a bump, as well as tests. On 17/10/17 19:22, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev via RT wrote: > Bisected: (2016-06-29) > > > On 2017-10-14 06:33:04, c...@zo

Re: [perl #132316] [Double Free] Crash while running program

2017-10-17 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
if you can, please re-compile MoarVM passing the same options that were used before (you can find them on the first screenfuls of the Makefile inside moarvm's source folder) to but also include --debug=3 and --optimize=0. This is an optional step. After that, please run perl6-valgrind-

Re: [perl #132349] $*IN.getc not blocking on macOS

2017-10-22 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
can you get us strace output for this?

Re: [perl #132225] AutoReply: segmentation fault while concurrently updating SetHash

2017-11-14 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I already figured out that it's about sinking the result of assigning to the SetHash. When you access it you get a proxy, that is the return value of the lock-protected block, and the proxy gets sunk outside of it, thus causing concurrent access to the SetHash. On 14/11/17 16:03, Elizabeth Mattij

[perl #130982] [PERF] "for $a..$b -> $i { ... }" loops are sometimes much slower than c-style loops

2017-11-22 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
On Mon, 20 Nov 2017 12:13:47 -0800, ronaldxs wrote: > What about a native perl6 range loop? Couldn't there be some way for > Perl 6 / Rakudo to generate code competitive on a small range with the > "native-loop" example? > > perl6 -e ' > { > my int ($a, $one, $three) = (42, 1, 3); >

[perl #127020] [PERF] pod parsing memory is never freed

2017-11-26 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
a look at a profile makes me suspect the problem is having pod_string_character match a single character at a time, causing rather large numbers of match objects for comparatively short strings. It's probably worthwhile to steal a piece of implementation from "nibbling", aka parsing strings. a

Re: [perl #132511] Binary assignment Z+= fails if it's the last thing in for loop

2017-11-27 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
Curious sidenote: when you use [Z+]= it will complain about "useless use of [Z+]= in sink context" and the modifications actually go through. With Z[+=] - which is probably the default parsing of this - it will not complain about useless use, but it also won't Do The Thing.

Re: [perl #127682] [OSX] writing more than 8192 bytes to IO::Handle causes it to hang forever

2018-03-07 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
This is a well-known problem in IPC. If you don't do it async, you risk the buffer you're not currently reading from filling up completely. Now your client program is trying to write to stderr, but can't because it's full. Your parent program is hoping to read from stdin, but nothing is arriving, a

[perl #128594] [SEGV] attempting to use :merge when run()ning an external command causes a core dump

2016-07-31 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I've unsuccessfully tried to fix this, but I've come up with an idea how an actual fix might go. When the merge flag (which I added in recent commits) gets passed to MVM_proc_spawn or MVM_proc_shell, we have to first create a new pipe on our own, then set up both stdio 1 and 2 to UV_REUSE_STREA

Re: [perl #130248] [BUG] When do-for idiom called on a lazy-infinite list to do pull-one, it exhausts the given list

2016-12-03 Thread Timo Paulssen via RT
I don't think that's what's happening. It looks like you're creating an iterator three times and are trying to get the first element through each iterator. Check out what happens when you call .iterator only once: perl6 -e 'my \a = (gather for ^Inf { take $_ }).iterator; say do for ^3 { a.pull-on