Re: How do I read a pipe into a one liner?

2017-10-31 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/29/2017 11:18 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

I am trying to translate this P5 coder to P6.
I am looking at how to read a pipe into a line liner:

Follow up:

With the help of the guys on the chat line, here is
the keeper file I wrote myself:


How to read a "pipe":

.lines gives you an array of lines, each with the trailing newline removed

All three of the follow output the data without the formatting:
$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'say "$*IN.lines;'
$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'my $x=lines(); say "$x";'
$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'my $x=get(); say "$x";'
CallFrameTest.pl6 CommandLineTest.pl6 CurlUtilsTest.pl6 FileTest.pl6 
HashIndexTest.pl6 InlineTest.pl6 LogTest.pl6 LogTest.pl6.log 
MonthTest.pl6 RunNoShellTest.pl6 ShArTest.pl6 SubTest.pl6 TermTest.pl6 
Timo.Attachmnet.Test.pl6 X11Clipboard.Test.pl6 X11Test.pl6 Xlib.Test.pl6

"get" reads one line at a time into a string (the whole thing into
an array)

$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'say get(); say get(); say get();'

"slurp" is the only one that keeps the entire original bash command's
formatting into a string:

$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'my $x=slurp(); say "$x";'
$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'my @x=$*IN.lines; for @x { say $_ };'

$ ls *Test.pl6* | perl6 -e 'my $x=$*IN.slurp; say "$x";'

Re: How do I read a pipe into a one liner?

2017-10-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/29/2017 11:18 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

I am trying to translate this P5 coder to P6.
I am looking at how to read a pipe into a line liner:


use strict;
use warnings;

chomp(my $Pipe = ( ! -t \*STDIN ) ? do{local $/; } : q{});
print "This was read from the pipe:\n<$Pipe>\n\n";
print "These are the list of parameters:\n<@ARGV>\n";


That was not a one liner example.  I actually need to know how
to do both.

How do I read a pipe into a one liner?

2017-10-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

I am trying to translate this P5 coder to P6.
I am looking at how to read a pipe into a line liner:


use strict;
use warnings;

chomp(my $Pipe = ( ! -t \*STDIN ) ? do{local $/; } : q{});
print "This was read from the pipe:\n<$Pipe>\n\n";
print "These are the list of parameters:\n<@ARGV>\n";


Many thanks,

This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:

$ 1 2 3
This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:
<1 2 3>

$ echo abc | 1 2 3
This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:
<1 2 3>

$ (sleep 3; echo abc ) | 1 2 3
This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:
<1 2 3>

$ echo abc |
This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:

$ sleep 3 | 1 2 3
This was read from the pipe:

These are the list of parameters:
<1 2 3>