21:00 <TimToady> pmichaud: note that for the self ticket, the phrase in
question is a has initializer, which runs in BUILD context, and hence
does have an obvious instance self, so this isn't really about binding
self to the class
21:04 <pmichaud> TimToady: okay, thanks.
21:04 <pmichaud> So we definitely can't leave self as being a plain
lexical, unless we're making use of 'lift' somehow.
21:05 <pmichaud> or otherwise attach the context to self... which we
have to do anyway.  I'll have to think about it a bit more.
21:05 <jnthn> The thing on the RHS of the = is made a closure already;
we just need to make it an anonymous method.
21:05 <pmichaud> That works for me.
21:05 <jnthn> (and remember to pass self in too)
21:06 <pmichaud> well, the closure has to be invoked on the newly built
object, I suspect.
21:06 <jnthn> yes
21:07 <pmichaud> okay, I'll update the ticket.

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