On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
March 2019 release of Rakudo Perl 6 #130. Rakudo is an implementation of
Perl 6 on the Moar Virtual Machine[^1].

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Perl 6 specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the `use v6.c`
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2019 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

The tarball for this release is available from

Please note: This announcement is not for the Rakudo Star
distribution[^2] — it’s announcing a new release of the compiler
only. For the latest Rakudo Star release, see

The changes in this release are outlined below:

New in 2019.03:
  + Fixes:
    + Fixed uncaught processor floating point exception on
        `Rat.round` [11da0fb4]
    + Fixed `$a=~$a` if `use isms <Perl5>` is active [df748ea7]
    + Fixed `.WHICH` methods that did not return `ObjAt` types
    + Fixed missing redeclaration of bound outer error
    + Made `X::TypeCheck::Assignment` and `X::Trait::Unknown` more
        resilient against strange values [a6d8858e][54fe8a1a]
    + [6.d] `$_` container is no longer `is dynamic` [33f79fef]
    + Fixed thread safety of some state variables [a5b9fc2d]
    + Fixed `.^compose` calls on types stored in a scalar [ab8052dd]
    + Fixed `Parameter.perl` for slurpy parameters [d8b7fabe]
    + Fixed `$*EXECUTABLE` path construction after a `chdir` [5c14916b]
    + Fixed `$*PROGRAM` path construction after a `chdir` [cebf0cb7]
    + Fixed `.^add_attribute` calls with `Attribute` object stored in
        a scalar [bf0dbbe6]
    + Fixed hang in Channel `subscribe`/`close`/`drain` [9b77459b]
    + Fixed `Inline::Perl5` failing to load when installed through the
        Staging repository [1c101a04]
    + Allowed parameterization of parent class in `class` declaration
    + Made `IO::Path.dir` on non-existent paths throw rather than
        return a `Failure` [38f4b7b4]
    + Fixed line number accuracy in backtraces [5b231e09]
    + Made regex literals capture `$/` and `$!` [8ef7c15e][ee2238f7]
    + Fixed `«=>»` crash if RHS is a List in a Scalar container
    + Tweaked `Range.ACCEPTS` to work better with Junctions [46409c07]
    + Made `Baggy.ACCEPTS` signature the same as `Setty.ACCEPTS`
    + Fixed "No concretization found" on role-qualified method call with
        inheritance [a6c8180f]
    + Fixed use of a role by its short name in some cases [b3eb3826]
    + Made sure that `CArray` can be `STORE`d into `Buf`/`Blob`
    + Made CUR uninstall `.bat` wrapper scripts [121ca5fd]
    + Fixed a problem with adding/subtracting negative values from
        `Date` [91ca8275]
    + Made sure hash slice auto-vivifies using infix metaop [616b757a]
    + Many improvements to the JS backend [634633be][8f2d9ed0][fc39f5ff]
    + Various improvements to produced messages [e48712a3][59bafb83]
  + Additions:
    + Added a candidates method to `CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem`
        and `CompUnit::Repository::Installation`, which acts as the API
        for module lookup. Internals were refactored to use this API for
        module lookup, which fixes some issues as a side effect (i.e.
        old bin scripts being invoked instead of a newer version)
    + Added `buf8`/`blob8` read-(u)bits / write-(u)bits methods for
        reading/writing any number of **bits** [45a945b5]
    + Added `$?DISTRIBUTION` to give introspection and IO capabilities
        to the current `Distribution` [32d480ab]
    + Added `addendum` to `X::Method::NotFound` so that we can give
        better error messages for specific cases [04dd52f9][b6c8f5ed]
    + Added HLL interface for creating `Signature` and `Parameter`
        objects [f329d6c6][3d3578b6][c4723cba][e116f3ad][3b9fd81d]
    + Made `does X::Control` imply throwing to CONTROL [ca177e58]
    + Made `QuantHashes` parameterizable to limit the type of value that
        can be put in them [0d9e9f34][4bb5c33c][e87b7afb][fe38bdba]
    + Allowed `is Type` trait to handle parameterization like
        `is Set[Int]` [2ed2f398]
    + Added a `dynamic-scope` lexical pragma [871cbefc][88c46676]
  + Removals:
    + Removed `ComptUnit::Repository::Installation` and `Distribution`
        compatibility shims for old versions of panda and zef [f430518f]
    + Renamed `Block/WhateverCode.pos` to `.POSITIONS` [ccf350e4]
  + Build system:
    + Added a `m-spectest5_precompile` to run tests in precompilation
        mode [89fee86a][ec289a6c][bb36f04a]
    + Added create and remove JavaScript wrappers in
        `ComptUnit::Repository::Installation` [83286e29]
  + Efficiency:
    + Made `postcircumfix:<[]>` for `CArray` more than 3x as fast
    + Made `Rational.floor/ceiling/Int` about 1.1x as fast [cf0a6eaa]
    + Made `Rational.Num` about 1.05x as fast [236351ad]
    + Made stringification of `Rat`/`FatRat` 1.2x to 2.2x as fast
    + Made constraint check on `UInt` 1.15x as fast [922d41b3]
    + Made comparisons with `Rat`s 1.4x to 15x as fast [c11e7e6b]
    + Made negation of `Rat`/`FatRat` about 3x as fast [d195e146]
    + Made coercion of `Int` to `Rat`/`FatRat` 4x as fast [92321beb]
    + Several other `Rat`/`FatRat` optimizations [29d7f709][6dad5caf]
    + Made `unival()` about 2x as fast [08ae9bfc][27332f04]
    + Made `Buf`/`Blob.gist` about 2.5x as fast [6d58e0b0]
    + Made `Map`/`Hash.sort` about 12x as fast [8ae4310e][edb53081]
    + Made `Str.trim-trailing` about 1.1x as fast [304feae9]
    + Several improvements to `Date`/`DateTime`/`Instant`/`Duration`
        handling [467394b8][de933656][9f28a423][92956164][3488a65e]
    + Added return type signatures for more optimization opportunities
    + Fixed a memory leak when a Callable has a definite return
        signature but the actual returned value was Nil [7aa796a9]
    + More aggressive lexical lowering and block flattening [e73853a1]
    + Many small internal optimizations [6392634f][5540212c][7d3b7e11]
  + Internal:
    + Added `nqp::const(BINARY_)` constants [32c10e3c][420abcb9]
    + Added `Rakudo::Internals::ImplementationDetail` role to mark
        internal functionality [d248d47e][588037f0]
    + Moved some constant return values in Num methods to their
        signature [f02bceb7]

The following people contributed to this release:

Elizabeth Mattijsen, Jonathan Worthington, cfa, Paweł Murias,
Will "Coke" Coleda, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev, Stefan Seifert,
Timo Paulssen, Nick Logan, Richard Hainsworth, Daniel Green,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Tom Browder, Elena Merelo, Antonio, Altai-man,
Itsuki Toyota, Samantha McVey, Trey Harris, Vadim Belman, Bart Wiegmans,
Ben Davies, Martin Barth, Mike Swierczek, Alastair Douglas,
Bruce Gray, Carl Masak, Christian Bartolomäus, Clifton Wood,
Fabrice Fontaine, Michael D. Stemle, Jr, Michal Jurosz, Moritz Lenz, cygx,
finanalyst, karl yerkes

If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit
<https://perl6.org>, <https://rakudo.org/how-to-help>, ask on the
<perl6-compiler@perl.org> mailing list, or ask on IRC #perl6 on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Perl 6 development: <https://donate.perlfoundation.org/>
(put “Perl 6 Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#131), is tentatively scheduled for 2019-04-20.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback – get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

[^1]: See <http://moarvm.org/>

[^2]: What’s the difference between the Rakudo compiler and the Rakudo
Star distribution?

The Rakudo compiler is a compiler for the Perl 6 language.
Not much more.

The Rakudo Star distribution is the Rakudo compiler plus a selection
of useful Perl 6 modules, a module installer, Perl 6 introductory
documentation, and other software that can be used with the Rakudo
compiler to enhance its utility.

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