# New Ticket Created by  Leon Brocard 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #745]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=745 >

This .pasm file was one of the first largish Parrot programs and I
don't quite remember why it never made it into Parrot.  Anyway, I
think it should be as it produces a very pretty picture with
surprisingly few lines of code, so here it is. It should go into the
examples/assembly/ folder.

Thanks! Leon
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/

........ Warranty void if tagline removed

-- attachment  1 ------------------------------------------------------
url: http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/attach/3477/3319/a25294/mandel.pasm

# Print the Mandlebrot set
# Translated from C code by Glenn Rhoads into Parrot assembler
# by Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# The C code is:
# main(){
#  int x, y, k;
#  char *b = " .:,;!/>)|&IH%*#";
#  float r, i, z, Z, t, c, C;
#  for (y=30; puts(""), C = y*0.1 - 1.5, y--;){
#     for (x=0; c = x*0.04 - 2, z=0, Z=0, x++ < 75;){
#        for (r=c, i=C, k=0; t = z*z - Z*Z + r, Z = 2*z*Z + i, z=t, k<112; k++)
#           if (z*z + Z*Z > 10) break;
#        printf ("%c", b[k%16]);
#        }
#     }
# }
# We store the following variables in these registers:
#  x,  y, k
# I1, I2, I3
#  r,  i,  z,  Z,  t,  c, C
# N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7

        set S1, " .:,;!/>)|&IH%*#"
        set I2, 30

YREDO:  #  C = y*0.1 - 1.5
        set N8, I2
        set N9, 0.1
        mul N7, N8, N9
        set N8, 1.5
        sub N7, N7, N8

        set I1, 0

XREDO:  # c = x*0.04 - 2
        set N8, I1
        set N9, 0.04
        mul N6, N8, N9
        set N8, 2.0
        sub N6, N6, N8
        set N3, 0
        set N4, 0

        set N1, N6
        set N2, N7

        set I3, 0

KREDO:  # t = z*z - Z*Z + r
        mul N8, N3, N3
        mul N9, N4, N4
        sub N5, N8, N9
        add N5, N5, N1

        # Z = 2*z*Z + i
        add N4, N4, N4
        mul N4, N4, N3
        add N4, N4, N2

        # z = t
        set N3, N5

        # if (z*z + Z*Z > 10) break;
        mul N8, N3, N3
        mul N9, N4, N4
        add N8, N8, N9
        gt N8, 10.0, PRINT

        inc I3
        lt I3, 112, KREDO

PRINT:  mod I4, I3, 16
        substr S2, S1, I4, 1
        print S2

        inc I1
        lt I1, 75, XREDO

        print "\n"
        dec I2
        gt I2, 0, YREDO

END:    end

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