Patch applied in r18405.

Hack described in and found in Parrot::Configure::Step is fixed
by making Parrot::Configure object into a singleton.  This entailed changes in
those two packages as well as config/init/

Also:  Parrot::Configure::Data::slurp() now checks Parrot::Config::Generated
rather than Parrot::Config to determine if configuration has been completed.

12 test files added to directory t/configure; t/configure/configure.t
eliminated because it assumed non-singleton Parrot::Configure object.  7 .pm
files added for testing in new directory t/configure/testlib/.  1 new test
file added to new directory t/postconfigure/, which will house tests
pertaining to configuration that can only be run once has been
executed.  'postconfigure' added to @default_tests in t/harness.  MANIFEST
updated to reflect new files and one deletion.

Application of this patch results in same %Parrot::Config::Generated::PConfig
as previous version of and associated files.  All tests in 'make
test' pass.

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