I only had one real problem with Parrot on Darwin, which really has
nothing to do with Darwin at all.  The first time I tried to "make test"
I got a slew of errors about Test::More, so I diligently went to CPAN
and downloaded the latest version. It claimed dependency on Test::Simple,
which claimed dependency on an updated version of Test::Harness. So I
downloaded, built and installed all those. Then I tried the Parrot tests
again. Still no joy. I eventually discovered that newer versions of
Test::Simple *include* Test::More, and that my installing Test::More
had overwritten the _later_ version that was installed when I installed
Test::Simple. So I reinstalled Test::Simple, and:

[robin@robin parrot]$ make test
perl t/harness
t/op/basic......ok, 1/2 skipped:  label constants unimplemented in assembler 
t/op/number.....ok, 2/23 skipped: various reasons                            
t/op/string.....ok, 1/5 skipped:  I'm unable to write it!                    
All tests successful, 4 subtests skipped.
Files=5, Tests=74, 31 wallclock secs (14.69 cusr + 10.05 csys = 24.74 CPU)

which looks okay to me.

Are there any plans to remove the dependency of Parrot::Test on
non-core modules? It's bound to be a stumbling block for quite
a few people, surely? If not, I'll contribute a patch which
makes the failure more graceful and informative.


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