Author: masak
Date: 2010-07-04 15:05:13 +0200 (Sun, 04 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 31543

[S32/IO] changed API for C<.read> and C<.write>

The API looked unnatural and non-Perly, so I changed it to something that made
sense. Rather than sending in an Int to indicate how much to write, just let
the length of the Buf determine that. (If you want to send a prefix of a Buf,
just make a slice -- a more general operation.)

Similarly, rather than having to send in an existing Buf for overwriting in
the read method, just return a new Buf. Don't need to return an Int; if we
are truly interested in the number of bytes read, we can do $buf.elems.

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod  2010-07-04 11:18:26 UTC (rev 
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/IO.pod  2010-07-04 13:05:13 UTC (rev 
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
     Created: 19 Feb 2009 extracted from S29-functions.pod; added stuff from 
S16-IO later
-    Last Modified: 30 May 2010
-    Version: 12
+    Last Modified: 4 July 2010
+    Version: 13
 The document is a draft.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
     role IO::Readable {
         has $.isReadable;
-        method read($buf is rw, Int $bytes --> Int)
+        method read(Int $bytes --> Buf)
 When the C<$.isReadable> is set, it tries to change the readability of the 
filehandle.  This
@@ -156,16 +156,14 @@
-=item method read($buf is rw, Int $bytes --> Int)
+=item method read(Int $bytes --> Buf)
-Tries to read C<$bytes> bytes and store in C<$buf>. The contents of C<$buf>
-are replaced and the actual number of bytes read is returned. A return
-of 0 means end of file. It might return unthrown failures, to be
-specified by each C<IO> implementation.
+Tries to read C<$bytes> bytes and return it as a C<Buf>. The C<Buf> may be
+shorter than the actual specified number of C<$bytes>.
-It is important to realize that this is "raw" read. You're going to
-have plain octets stored in C<$buf>, if this is actually encoded data,
-you're going to need to encode it later, or use "getc" or other
+This is "raw" read. You're going to
+have plain octets stored in C<$buf>. If what you want is a C<Str>,
+you're going to need to C<.decode> it after C<read>ing, or use "getc" or other
 C<IO::Readable::Encoded> methods.
@@ -176,7 +174,7 @@
     role IO::Writeable {
         has $.isWriteable;
-        method write($buf, Int $bytes --> Int)
+        method write(Buf $buf --> Int)
 When the C<$.isWriteable> is set, it tries to change the writeability of the 
@@ -185,15 +183,14 @@
-=item method write($buf, Int $bytes --> Int)
+=item method write(Buf $buf --> Int)
-Tries to write C<$bytes> bytes of C<$buf>. The actual number of bytes
+Tries to write C<$buf>. The actual number of bytes
 written is returned. It might return unthrown failures, to be
 specified by each C<IO> implementation.
-It is important to realize that this is "raw" write. C<$buf> should
-contain plain octets that are going to be sent. If C<$buf> contains
-encoded data, you should decode it first, or use "print" or other
+This is "raw" write. C<$buf> contains plain octets. If you want to C<write>
+a C<Str>, you should C<.encode> it first, or use "print" or other
 C<IO::Writeable::Encoded> methods.

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