Feh - I really need to get on gmail's case for providing a keystroke
for "Reply to All".


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nate Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 21, 2005 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: $1 change issues [was Re: syntax for accessing multiple
versions of a module]
To: Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>>BTW, C and PHP both use -> "still".
> That's because PHP is a Perl templating engine that got too big for
> its britches. (http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/An-Introduction-to-PHP/)

Hah, that's a funny way to look at it. Although, PHP forked back in
1997, reading the article. There's alot of stuff it does differently
nowadays, some better, some worse.

>>Anyways, you can listen or not listen to those of us from real, large,
>>corporate environments. I'm just trying to temper the enthusiasm for
>>many of the real improvements in Perl 6 with some of the real costs -
>>which are largely being ignored as "no big deal".
> I think YOU forget that nearly everyone else on this list, including
> @Larry, has worked in large corporate environments. My understanding
> of the response has been "Yes, there might be issues. They are all
> solveable with a little elbow grease." And, frankly, you can run every
> P5 program under Perl6. I'm not seeing what the problem is.

Fair enough. Maybe I'm just a whiner. That's possible.

But, I'm on the cusp of a major new outing, namely [snip]. The
point is, I don't like the idea of having to relearn a ton of stuff
midway thru the 5+ year product cycle of [snip]. So I'll probably end up
choosing a different language for the team to use, which is too bad.


P.S. I didn't post this to the list, because you didn't

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