Here's a later, greater version of the parser.  It hopefully addresses all
the limitations listed for the previous parser.  New limits:

- While I haven't specified argument contexts for the builtin functions,
  it should be possible to do so in the same way as for control

- Error reporting is awful -- the error will appear at the start of
  the top-level statement that failed.  If it's a sub definition, this
  will leave you with several iterations of "remove the outermost
  brackets and try again".

This iteration is somewhat faster, though still dog-slow.  Run it as

$0 --cache [modulename]

to save or use a precompiled parser in  It parses an
updated[1] version of the calculator in Exegesis 4 in a blinding 12 sec,
including a bit over 2 sec in startup time.  And yes, it still just
produces hideous LISP-like gibberish.  Sorry.  Some of the output cruft
results from squashing circular data references in the <autotree> output.
I haven't tracked down why they're there yet.

Differences from Perl 5 (and/or previous version), in order from good
to controversial:

- Bare blocks and all kinds of closures can appear anywhere.  The rule
  is: if it contains only pairs, it's an anonymous hash ref.
  Otherwise, it's a block.

- Semicolons are "very optional," in the sense that you can leave them
  off of anything that ends in a closing bracket.  So this:

    for @x -> $y; $z { ... } $x = { a => 23 } $y += 3;

  is actually accepted as three statements.  I don't know if this is a
  good thing or not, but I think it's unambiguous, and isn't too hard
  to implement.  Note that this

    if 1 { 2 } else { 3 } +4

  is a single statement whose value is 6, since "if ..." is treated
  like a weird-looking function call.

- There are no right list operators.  All declared functions have an
  associated "want" rule that decides how what follows them should be
  parsed.  The default rule considers the rest of the statement as an
  argument list.  Unary operators want a high-precedence scalar item.
  Control structures like "for" and "if..." want closures and other
  strange things.  Eventually, similar want-age should be created from
  prototypes to user subs, but for now any subs you define take a
  single flat list.

- There is only a single precedence level for prefix operators (sort
  of -- context operators are top-precedence).  This includes file
  tests, unary =~ /!~\\-/, and named operators (function calls w/o

- The pair constructor ("=>") has precedence between "=~" and unary
  prefix operators, instead of being just a "fat comma".  Since it is
  the constructor syntax for a datatype, I don't think the former low
  precedence makes sense.  Consider

    a => "blah" =~ { ... }
    (a => "blah") =~ { ... }    # with new precedence
    a => ("blah" =~ { ... })    # with old precedence

  I think the first makes more sense if a pair is an "object".  I
  initially had it as term-precedence, but people like to do things
  like this:

    -23 => 4       # == (-23) => 4, not -(23 => 4)

  so it has to bind less tightly than high-precedence unary

- Precedence for the adverbial colon and 'but' (as well as 'err',
  which appears in Exe 4) have migrated a bit.  'but' and 'err' bind
  to scalar expressions (more tightly than commas), while the colon is
  between 'or' and comma.

- Error reporting is awful -- the error will appear at the start of
  the top-level statement that failed.  If it's a sub definition, this
  will leave you with several iterations of "remove the outermost
  brackets and try again".

Anyways, enjoy,

[1] Need some class defs:

class Err::Reportable is Exception {...}
class NoData is Exception {...}
class Inf { ... }

use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
use Term::ReadLine;

# Argument context for functions and control structures

my %WANT;

sub ::find_want {
    my $f = shift;
    $f = $f->{__VALUE__} || $f->{__PATTERN1__} if ref $f;
#     print STDERR "find_want $f: $WANT{$f}\n";
    $WANT{$f} || '__fail__';

# Functions (list operators):
# XXX: many of these need their own special want_* rules
my $FUNCTION_ARGS = 'maybe_comma';

my @builtin_funcs = qw(crypt index pack rindex sprintf substr
                       join unpack split
                       push unshift splice
                       warn die print printf read select syscall sysread
                       sysseek syswrite truncate write
                       chmod chown fcntl ioctl link open opendir
                       rename symlink sysopen unlink
                       return fail
@WANT{@builtin_funcs} = ($FUNCTION_ARGS) x @builtin_funcs;

sub ::add_function {
    my $fname = shift->{__VALUE__};
    $WANT{$fname} = shift || $FUNCTION_ARGS;

# Loop control
my @loop_control = qw(redo last next continue);
@WANT{@loop_control} = ('maybe_namepart') x @loop_control;

# Unary operators
# XXX: need to handle default $_
my @unary_ops = qw(chop chomp chr hex lc lcfirst length
                   ord reverse uc ucfirst
                   abs atan2 cos exp hex int log oct rand sin sqrt srand
                   pop shift
                   delete each exists keys values
                   defined undef
                   chdir chroot glob mkdir rmdir stat umask
@WANT{@unary_ops} = ('prefix') x @unary_ops;

# Control operators
my @control = qw(for given when default if elsif else grep map);
@WANT{@control} = map { "want_for_$_" } @control;

# Named blocks
my @special_blocks = qw(CATCH BEGIN END INIT AUTOLOAD
                        PRE POST NEXT LAST FIRST
                        try do);
@WANT{@special_blocks} = ('closure') x @special_blocks;

# Classes (builtin and otherwise)
my @builtin_types = qw(int real str HASH ARRAY SCALAR
                       true false);# XXX: these are really constants
@CLASSES{@builtin_types} = @builtin_types;

sub ::add_class {               # seen class.
    my $c = shift->{__VALUE__};
    $CLASSES{$c} = $c;
sub ::find_class {              # seen class?
    my $c = shift;
    return $CLASSES{$c->{__VALUE__}};

# HACK to distinguish between "my ($a, $b) ..." and "foo ($a, $b)".
# Don't need all keywords in here, but only the ones that cause
# problems.
@KEYWORDS{qw(my our temp)} = 1;

sub ::not_keyword {
    my $f = shift->{__VALUE__};
    exists $KEYWORDS{$f} ? undef : 1;

# (see Parse::RecDescent::Consumer)
sub ::consumer {
    my $t = shift;
    my $old_len = length $t;
    return sub {
        my $len = length($_[0]);
        return substr($t, 0, ($old_len - $len));

my $since_block;

sub ::saw_end_block {
    my $text = shift;
    if ($since_block) {
        local $_ = $since_block->($text);
        return m/\A[\s\n]+\z/ || undef;
    return undef;

sub ::end_block {
    $since_block = ::consumer(shift);

my $literals = <<'END';
sv_literal:       lit_real
                | lit_string
                | hv_literal_ref
                | av_literal_ref

lit_real:         /(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:[Ee]-?\d+)?/
lit_string:       <perl_quotelike>

av_seq:           semi /[;,]?/
av_literal:       '(' av_seq(?) ')'
av_literal_ref:   '[' av_seq(?) ']'

hv_seq:           <leftop: pair ',' pair> /,?/
hv_literal:       '(' hv_seq ')'
hv_literal_ref:   '{' hv_seq '}'

$::NAMEPART = qr/[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*/;
my $variables = <<'END';
variable: sigil <skip:''> varname

sigil: /[\@\%\$\&]/

sv: '$' <skip:''> varname
av: '@' <skip:''> varname
hv: '%' <skip:''> varname
cv: '&' <skip:''> varname

varname:  ('*')(?) '{' <commit> <skip:'\s*'> (scalar_expr | name) '}'
        | name
        | /\d+/
        | /[\!_]/
        | '^' <skip:''> namepart

name:     /(?:::|\.|\*)?$::NAMEPART(::$::NAMEPART)*/

namepart: /$::NAMEPART/


$::COMPARE = qr{cmp | eq | [gnl]e | [gl]t
                | <=> | [<>=!]= | < | > }x;
$::CONTEXT = qr{[\%\@\$\&*_?] | \+(?!\+)}x;
$::MULDIV = qr{[\%*x] | /(?!/)}x;
$::PREFIX = qr{[!~\\] | -(?![->])}x;
$::ADDSUB = qr{[-+_]};
$::LOG_OR = qr{x?or | //(?!=)}x;
my $operators = <<'END';
hype:             '^' <skip:''> <matchrule:$arg[0]>
                | <matchrule:$arg[0]>

maybe_comma:      comma[$arg[0]] |
maybe_namepart:   namepart |

hv_index:         <skip:''> '{' <skip:$item[1]> hv_indices '}'
hv_indices:       /[\w_]+/
                | comma
av_index:         <skip:''> '[' <skip:$item[1]> av_seq ']'
arglist:          '(' maybe_comma ')'

access:           '.' <skip:''> namepart

subscript:        <skip:''> '{' <commit> <skip:$item[1]> hv_indices '}'
                | <skip:''> '[' <commit> <skip:$item[1]> av_seq ']'
                | '(' maybe_comma ')'

subscriptable:    name { ::not_keyword($item[1]) } <commit> arglist
                | '.' <commit> <skip:''> namepart
                | '(' <commit> av_seq(?) ')'
                | variable

context:          /$::CONTEXT/o
# context:        '%' | '@' | '$' | '&' | '*' | '_' | '?'
#               | /\+(?!\+)/ # numeric context...

term:             '<' <commit> expr(?) '>'
                | subscriptable <commit> subscript(s?)
                | context <commit> term
                | class
                | sv_literal
                | closure

apply_rhs:        namepart <commit> subscript(s?)
                | subscript(s)

apply:            <leftop: term hype['apply_op'] apply_rhs>
apply_op:         '.'

incr:             hype['incr_op'] <commit> apply
                | apply hype['incr_op'](?)
incr_op:          '++' | '--'

pow:              incr (hype['pow_op'] prefix)(s?)
pow_op:           '**'

prefix:           filetest_op <commit> prefix
                | hype['prefix_op'] <commit> prefix
                | name <matchrule:@{[::find_want($item[1])]}>
                | pow
# prefix_op:      '!' | '~' | '\\' | /-(?![->])/
prefix_op:        /$::PREFIX/o
filetest_op:      /-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]+/

pair:             namepart '=>' <commit> prefix
                | prefix '=>' prefix
maybe_pair:       namepart '=>' <commit> prefix
                | prefix ('=>' prefix)(?)

match:            maybe_pair (hype['match_op'] maybe_pair)(s?)
match_op:         '=~' | '!~'

muldiv:           <leftop: match hype['muldiv_op'] match>
# muldiv_op:      '*' | '/' | '%' | 'x'
muldiv_op:        /$::MULDIV/o

addsub:           <leftop: muldiv hype['addsub_op'] muldiv>
# addsub_op:      '+' | '-' | '_'
addsub_op:        /$::ADDSUB/o

bitshift:         <leftop: addsub hype['bitshift_op'] addsub>
bitshift_op:      '<<' | '>>'

compare:          <leftop: bitshift hype['compare_op'] bitshift>
compare_op:       /$::COMPARE/
# compare_op:     '<=>' | '<=' | '==' | '>=' | '<' | '>' | '!='
#               | 'eq' | 'ge' | 'ne' | 'le' | 'lt' | 'gt' | 'cmp'

bitand:           <leftop: compare hype['bitand_op'] compare>
bitand_op:        '&'

bitor:            <leftop: bitand hype['bitor_op'] bitand>
bitor_op:         '|' | '~'

logand:           <leftop: bitor hype['logand_op'] bitor>
logand_op:        '&&'

logor:            <leftop: logand hype['logor_op'] logand>
logor_op:         '||' | '~~'

range:            logor (range_op logor)(?)
range_op:         '..'

ternary:          range ('??' ternary '::' ternary)(?)

scope:            'my' | 'temp' | 'our'
class:            name { ::find_class($item{name}) }
scope_class:      scope class(?)
                | class

property:         ("$arg[0]")(?) name ( '(' comma ')' )(?)
props:            (property[$arg[0]])(s?)
decl:             '(' <commit> <leftop: variable ',' variable> ')' props['are']
                |  variable props['is']

assign:           assign_lhs assign_rhs(s?)
assign_lhs:       scope_class decl
                | ternary
assign_rhs:       hype['assign_op'] scalar_expr

assign_op:        /[!:]?=/
                | assignable_op <skip:''> '='
assignable_op:    '//'
                | logand_op | logor_op
                | bitand_op | bitor_op | bitshift_op
                | addsub_op | muldiv_op | pow_op

scalar_expr:      assign but(s?)
but:              but_word assign
but_word:         'but' | 'err'

comma:            <leftop: <matchrule:@{[$arg[0] || 'scalar_expr']}>
                        comma_op <matchrule:@{[$arg[0] || 'scalar_expr']}> >
comma_op:         ','

semi:             <leftop: comma semi_op comma>
semi_op:          ';'

adverb:           scalar_expr adv_clause
adv_clause:       /:(?!:)/ <commit> comma['scalar_expr']
                | # nothing

log_AND:          <leftop: adverb hype['log_AND_op'] adverb>
log_AND_op:       'and'

log_OR:           <leftop: log_AND hype['log_OR_op'] log_AND>
# log_OR_op:      'or' | 'xor' | m{//(?!=)}
log_OR_op:        /$::LOG_OR/o

expr:             log_OR


my $declarations = <<'END';
sub_def:          scope(?) 'sub' name { ::add_function($item{name}) }
                        params props['is'] block

class_def:        scope(?) 'class' name { ::add_class($item{name}) }
                        props['is'] block

method_def:       'method' name params props['is'] block

params:           '(' (_params ',')(?) '*' <commit> '@' namepart ')'
                | '(' <commit> _params(?) (';' _params)(?) ')'
                | # nothing

_params:          <leftop: _param ',' _param>
_param:           maybe_scope_class variable props['is'] initializer(?)
initializer:      hype['assign_op'] expr
maybe_scope_class: scope_class |


my $statements = <<'END';
prog:             /\A/ stmts /\z/
                | <error>

stmts:            <leftop: stmt stmt_sep stmt> stmt_sep(?)
                | # nothing

stmt_sep:         ';'
                | { ::saw_end_block($text) }

stmt:             directive <commit> name
                | sub_def
                | class_def
                | method_def
                | expr guard(?)

directive:        'package' | 'module' | 'use'
guard:            ('if' | 'unless' | 'while') <commit> scalar_expr
                |  'for' expr

block:            start_block '...' <commit> '}' { ::end_block($text) } ''
                | start_block stmts '}' { ::end_block($text) } ''

start_block:      <skip:''> /\s*(?<![^\n\s]){\s*/m

closure:          closure_args(?) block
                | <error>
closure_args:     '->' '(' <commit> _closure_args(?) ')'
                | '->' _closure_args(?)
                | <error>

_closure_args:    <leftop: maybe_comma['variable'] ';' comma['variable']>

my $wants = <<'END';
__fail__:         <reject>

want_for_for:     av_seq closure
want_for_given:   scalar_expr closure
want_for_when:    comma closure
want_for_default: closure

want_for_if:      scalar_expr closure elsif(s?) else(?)
elsif:            'elsif' scalar_expr closure
else:             'else' closure

want_for_grep:    scalar_expr comma
want_for_map:     scalar_expr comma

# Pretty-printing:

sub pretty_sexp {
    '('.join(' ', @_).')';

sub pretty {                    # don't die on literals
    my $self = shift;
    if (!ref $self) {
        return qq{"$self"};
    if (UNIVERSAL::can($self, '_pretty')) {
        return $self->_pretty;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self, 'ARRAY')) {
        if (@$self == 0) {
            return '';
        if (@$self == 1) {
            return pretty($self->[0]);
        return pretty_sexp ref($self), map { pretty($_) } @$self;
    # We're a hash.
    if ($self->{__done__}++) {
#       warn "Already seen $self\n";
        return '';
    # try to do something intelligent...
    if (exists $self->{__VALUE__}) {
        if ($self->{__VALUE__} =~ /\S/) {
            return pretty_sexp ref($self), $self->{__VALUE__};
        } else {
            return '';
    my @things = grep /\S/, map { pretty($self->{$_}) }
        grep !/__(?:RULE|done)__/, keys %$self;
    if (@things == 0) {
        return '';
    } elsif (@things == 1) {
        return $things[0];
    } else {
        return pretty_sexp $self->{__RULE__}, @things;

sub pretty_hard_to_see { '' }

for my $pkg (qw(start_block)) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{"$pkg\::_pretty"} = \&pretty_hard_to_see;

sub hype::_pretty {
    my $h = shift;
    my $op = pretty($h->{'$arg[0]'});
    if (exists $h->{__STRING1__}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'hyped', $op;
    return $op;

sub subscript::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{maybe_comma}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'call', pretty($x->{maybe_comma});
    if (exists $x->{av_seq}) {
        return pretty_sexp '[]', pretty($x->{av_seq});
    if (exists $x->{hv_indices}) {
        return pretty($x->{hv_indices});
    die "subscript:".Dumper($x);

sub adverb::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (ref $x->{adv_clause}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'adverb:', pretty($x->{scalar_expr}), 
    return pretty($x->{scalar_expr});

sub adv_clause::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{comma}) {
        return pretty($x->{comma});
    return '';

sub maybe_namepart::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{namepart}) {
        return pretty($x->{namepart});
    return '';

sub lit_string::_pretty {
    my $self = shift;
    join '', @{$self->{__DIRECTIVE1__}}[1..3];

sub property::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    return pretty_sexp 'property', pretty($x->{namepart});

sub subscriptable::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    foreach my $k (qw(variable)) {
        if (exists $x->{$k}) {
            return pretty($x->{$k});
    if (exists $x->{name}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'call', pretty($x->{name}), pretty($x->{arglist});
    if (exists $x->{namepart}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'prop', pretty($x->{property});
    if (exists $x->{__STRING1__}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'array', pretty($x->{av_seq});
    die "What's this subscriptable:\n".Dumper($x);

sub context::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    return $x->{__VALUE__} || $x->{__PATTERN1__};

sub term::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{context}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'context', pretty($x->{context}),
    foreach my $k (qw(class closure sv_literal)) {
        if (exists $x->{$k}) {
            return pretty($x->{$k});
    if (exists $x->{subscript}) {
        if (@{$x->{subscript}} > 0) {
            return pretty_sexp 'subscript', pretty($x->{subscriptable}),
        return pretty($x->{subscriptable});
    if ($x->{__STRING1__} eq '<') {
        # <BLAH>
        return pretty_sexp 'readline', pretty($x->{expr});
    if ($x->{__STRING1__} eq '(') {
        return pretty_sexp 'expr', pretty($x->{av_seq});
    die "what's this term:\n".Dumper($x);

sub variable::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    return pretty_sexp 'variable', pretty($x->{sigil}),

sub apply_rhs::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{namepart}) {
        return pretty_sexp '.', pretty($x->{namepart}),
            pretty($x->{arglist}), pretty($x->{subscript});
    if (exists $x->{subscript}) {
        return pretty($x->{subscript});
    die "apply_rhs:\n".Dumper($x);

sub but::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    return pretty_sexp 'but', pretty($x->{assign});

sub adv::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    return pretty_sexp ':', pretty($x->{comma});

sub block::_pretty {
    my $x = shift;
    if (exists $x->{stmts}) {
        return pretty_sexp 'block', pretty($x->{stmts});
    return pretty_sexp 'block', '...';

# Interaction
my %o;
(GetOptions(\%o, qw(dumper rule=s batch help cache trace))
 && !$o{help})
    || die <<END;
Usage: $0 [options]
        --batch         read batch on STDIN, write to STDOUT
        --dumper        use Data::Dumper to generate output
        --rule NAME     start with rule NAME (default = 'stmts')
        --cache         use precompiled grammar

    In interactive mode, output is terminated by a blank line.

$::RD_TRACE = $o{trace};
$::rule = $o{rule} || 'prog';

my $parser;
my $gname = 'Perl6grammar';
if ($o{cache} && eval("require $gname")) {
    $parser = eval "new $gname" or die "$gname: $@";
} else {
    print STDERR "Constructing parser...";
    use Parse::RecDescent;
    my $header = <<'END';
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { use Carp 'confess'; confess @_ };
    if ($o{cache}) {
#                                     .$directives,
        eval "require $gname";
        $parser = eval "new $gname";
    } else {
        $parser = new Parse::RecDescent($header
#                                       .$directives
    print STDERR "done\n";

my $in = '';
if ($o{batch}) {
    local $/ = undef;
    $in = <STDIN>;
    my $result = $parser->$::rule($in);
    print pretty($result);

my $term = new Term::ReadLine;
my $prompt = '> ';
while (defined(my $l = $term->readline($prompt))) {
    if ($in =~ /^:(.*)/) {
        print eval $1, "\n";
        $in = '';
    unless ($l =~ /^$/) {
        $in .= "$l\n";
        $prompt = '? ';
    print "as $::rule:\n";
    my $result = $parser->$::rule($in);
    print STDERR "done\n";
    if ($o{dumper}) {
        print Dumper $result;
    } else {
        if ($result) {
            print pretty $result, "\n";
        } else {
            print "parse error\n";
    print "\n";
    $in = '';
    $prompt = '> ';

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