Sorry for the one-month-old response, but this message fell between the
cracks and I was just reviewing all my old new mail....

In a message dated Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Me writes:

> > Somebody fairly recently recommended some decent fixed-width
> typefaces.
> > I think it may have been MJD, but I can't find the reference right now
> > (could be at work).
> Michael Schwern recently suggested "Monaco,
> Neep or, if you can find them, Mishawaka or ProFont".
> I investigated and found this link to be useful:

I really like the font I have on my iMac called "QuickType".
Unfortunately, I can't figure out where it comes from, as none of my font
files have a name resembling anything like that.  I need to find a utility
that will identify what file a given font comes from.


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