For those of us who came in late...I gather that -> is expected to be
replaced by '.', which means that we need to find something else for '.'.  
Somehow, however, I missed out what the exact benefits are of this
replacement--I'm not saying that there *aren't* any, I just never saw the
message where they were spelled out.  Could someone please give a recap?

Also, rather than trying to jam extra functionality into '+' or '=~' or
whatever, would it be possible to simply use -> as the concat operator
(i.e., switch '->' and '.')?

Perl 5                                Perl 6
------                                ------
$mail_obj->{header} .= "Hi, John!"    $mail_obj.{header} ->= "Hi, John!"

The pros and cons that I see are:

  - requires the minimum amount of disturbance to the syntax

  - You need to know whether you are looking at Perl5 or Perl6 before you
know how to read the operator (raises problems both for programmers and
for p526 translator script)

  - Some of the permutations (e.g. ->= ) look terrible.


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