> Just to extend this idea, at least for the exercise of it, consider:
>    match;              # all defaults (pattern is /\w+/?)
>    match /pat/;        # match $_
>    match /pat/, $str;  # match $str
>    match /pat/, @strs; # match any of @strs
>    subst;              # like s///, pretty useless :-)
>    subst /pat/new/;    # sub on $_
>    subst /pat/new/, $str;  # sub on $str
>    subst /pat/new/, @strs; # return array of modified strings
For the takes-an-array variants of match and subst, what becomes of
back-references? Does

            subst PAT, LIST

modify LIST in-place, or return the result of modification? What does

            match PAT, LIST

return at all, and what of multiple back-references in PAT?

>    # These are pretty cool...   
>    foreach (@old) {                 @new = subst /hello/X/gi, @old;
>       s/hello/X/gi;
>       push @new, $_;
>    }
>    foreach (@str) {                 print "Got it" if match /\w+/, @str;
>       print "Got it" if (/\w+/);
>    }

This implies that the subst keyword would *both* modify LIST in-place and
return a complete copy of the list as a return-value. Is this correct?
Additionally, the match example above is not identical on each side-- the
Perl 5 version would print "Got it" for *every* matching element of @str,
whereas the Perl 6 version would print it just once. While you could change
the Perl 5 example to fit (by adding "last"), I just don't know that the
blind application of a regex to a list has a place here.

Randy J. Ray      | Programming is a Dark Art [...] The programmer is fighting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | against the two most destructive forces in the universe:
415-777-9810 x246 | entropy and human stupidity. --Dr. Damian Conway

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