On behalf of the Parrot team I'm proud to announce the Parrot 0.1.1

Parrot 0.1.1 is an intermediate release with tons of updates and fixes.

 - Python support: Parrot runs 4/7 of the pie-thon test suite
 - Better OS support: more platforms, compilers, OS functions
 - Improved PIR syntax for method calls and <op>= assignment
 - Dynamic loading reworked including a "make install" target
 - MMD - multi method dispatch for binary vtable methods
 - Library improvement and cleanup
 - BigInt, Complex, *Array, Slice, Enumerate, None PMC classes
 - IA64 and hppa JIT supprt
 - Tons of fixes, improvements, new tests, and documentation updates.

A lot is unfinished and keeps changing. Nethertheless Parrot is stable
and usable at the surface, while internals are moving.

After some pause you can grab it from
<http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LT/LTOETSCH/parrot-0.1.1.tar.gz> or
just get the latest and best from CVS by following the directions at

Turn your web browser towards <http://www.parrotcode.org/> for more
information about Parrot, get involved, and:

Have fun!

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