Bart Lateur wrote:
> >The problem is that
> >
> >   $name = "myarray";
> >   @$name = (1,2,3);
> >   print @$name[0,1];  # 1,2
> >
> >Is very consistent currently. Change one and you have to change the
> >precedence and parsing of all symbolic refs.
> You are suggesting to keep a weird precedence rule, just to ease
> symbolic dereferencing!?! That's... obscene.

Where did I say that?! I even said:

   I'm not necessarily against it, but it's a deep issue not just
   constrained to arrays in this one specific context.

My point was if this idea is RFC'ed, the RFC better not be titled "Fix
arrays" but better be called "Redo the precedence rules of all symbolic


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