At 10:26 AM 8/27/00 -0400, Bennett Todd wrote:
>So I'd expect instead
>         use Fatal qw(:arithmetic :io ...);
> > Therefore the default (to get the current behavior) would be that
> > some of the classes had Fatality enabled and others didn't?
>And if Fatal supported unimport, then the default could be inverted
>         use Fatal qw(:io ...);
>         no  Fatal qw(:arithmetic);

Bingo, yes.  I will make appropriate changes to RFC 80.  You might think 
about whether RFC 70 needs to be changed.  The ramifications of some of 
these things are sufficiently important that drawing attention to them 
might be a good thing.  In this case, note that Perl 6 will need to spell 
out which core exceptions are by default fatal (eg, :arithmetic) and which 
aren't.  Although RFC 70 doesn't have to do that.

Oh, reminds me, I forgot to respond to:

>I beat you to it. While RFC 70 was intended to just request that it
>be possible to finish so it works as intended and desired,
>it does mention:
>     If [the finishing-up of, after fixing the busted core]
>     were a success, then the requested category could also be posted
>     into a testable variable, allowing module authors who wished to
>     to automatically support this functionality as well.

Got anything in mind?  $^something?

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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