> > 
> > Can you give me an example of the former?
> > I can't think of any off the top of my head.
> Scalar value @foo[$bar] better written as $foo[$bar], for one.
> If part of Perl's breeding is autovivication and interpretation of undef as 
> 0 or "" in the appropriate context, why should Perl bitch at me if I use it 
> as such?  Why should I have to ask permission to do so?

Well, for one, your example is ill-considered. You are going to get 
autovivification saying:

@foo[$bar] = 1;

just as much as you are going to get autovivification for:

$foo[$bar] = 1;

Hence I'd say that @foo[$bar] has NO INTRINSIC VALUE whatsoever.

Second, with the keyword empty (if it comes to pass) the reasons for 
interpretation of undef as 0 and "" go away. Right now, things are a PITA 
to get empty values:

my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = ('') x 5;

With empty:

my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = empty;

> I would rather say, and I think it would be more perlish to say, "I'm not 
> feeling particularly perly today, can you check for anything clever, cause 
> if there is, chances are it's a mistake."

Or how about "I'm feeling particularly lazy today, I think I'll sleep in. Lets
worry about any mistakes I might make another day."

For i maintain that any 'cleverness' that you might have that causes warnings 
in perl6 will *probably* be a mistake.


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