On 2009-Oct-16, at 12:54 am, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
Is there syntactic sugar for aliasing the conflicting method? Eg. something like
does XML :db-write<xml-db-write>;

There needs to be something more than sugar: making a new class or role with different methods will break substitutability. However, we could have a feature which aliases a method name in a given scope or context; elsewhere, the original name would still be visible. So you could pass your new XML-plus-SQL object to do-xml-stuff(XML $x) and it would know to treat it as an XML object with the proper .db-write method.

(Incidentally, we could use something similar for renaming imported symbols, though in that case it would be only sugar. Currently, we can choose to import something or not, but if a module exports something, it presumably has a good reason; rather than simply not importing the sub/etc., it would be handy to be able to import it under another name.

        use Bar <foo>;        # import Bar::foo
        use Baz :foo<boo>;    # import Baz::foo as boo()
        use Baz foo=>'boo';   #  or spelled this way

Moreover, suppose that the two modules have roles with the same name, eg., suppose XML-Database-Module and SQL-Database both define a role 'Writable'. How could these one (or both) of these roles be aliased?

I suppose the polite thing would be for them to define roles (or anything else) inside their own namespaces: XML-Database- Module::Writable.

Meanwhile, on 2009-Oct-14, at 7:58 pm, Jon Lang wrote:
Another clarification: there's a subtle but important difference between "$dogwood.bark:(Dog:).()" and "$dogwood.Dog::bark()". The former calls a Dogwood method that has an invocant that does Dog; the latter calls a Dog method. That is:

   $dogwood.bark:(Dog:).(); # calls &Dogwood::bark:(Dog:)
   $dogwood.Dog::bark();    # calls &Dog::bark:()

Aha, so the bark:(Dog:) syntax identifies the method by its signature as well, thus distinguishing it from the .bark:(Tree:) method. This works fine when the sigs can distinguish the invocants, which is very common. However, I could have ambiguous methods even including the signatures. Suppose I have a Logging role that provides a log() method for printing some info about a variable. In particular, I have method log(Numeric $x:) { ... } because I want to handle Nums specially (say, round them off before printing). Meanwhile, suppose I also have Math::log(Numeric $x:).

If $x does Numeric and does Logging, then $x.log won't be able to decide which method to call, unless maybe it's in a sub like foo(Numeric $x) that can know to provide "Numeric" context to $x. Outside foo, or inside a sub like bar(Any $x), I need some other way to indicate which "log" method I mean. $x.log:(Numeric:) won't work here, because both roles provide a method with that name and signature.

What if all roles' methods got automatic aliases, to a long(er) name, e.g. the .log method could be referred to as such, or as .Logging`log()? That at least would provide a fully-qualified way to refer to methods no matter where they came from originally, and also allow short names to be used where unambiguous.

(I guess this parallels what we already have for subs, etc., except methods would be automatically "exported" into new roles or classes so that we can use short names. I don't know what the actual syntax should be -- I only used ` above for lack of anything better, since the obvious .Logging::log means something else.)


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