Author: larry
Date: Sun Mar 11 10:28:42 2007
New Revision: 14332


turned context() into an arglist-specified navigator
defined caller more correctly as context(&?ROUTINE,1)
clarified relationship of caller : CALLER :: context : CONTEXT

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        Sun Mar 11 10:28:42 2007
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 10 Aug 2004
-  Last Modified: 8 Mar 2007
+  Last Modified: 11 Mar 2007
   Number: 2
-  Version: 93
+  Version: 94
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 2, which covers small-scale
 lexical items and typological issues.  (These Synopses also contain
@@ -1391,8 +1391,8 @@
     OUR         # Package variables declared in the current package
     GLOBAL      # Builtin variables and functions
     OUTER       # Lexical variables declared in the outer scope
-    CALLER      # Contextual variables in the caller's scope
-    CONTEXT     # Contextual variables in any caller's scope
+    CALLER      # Contextual variables in the immediate caller's scope
+    CONTEXT     # Contextual variables in any context's scope
     SUPER       # Package variables declared in inherited classes
     COMPILING   # Lexical variables in the scope being compiled
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@
 The C<CONTEXT> pseudo-package is just like C<CALLER> except that
 it scans outward through all dynamic scopes until it finds a
-contextual variable of that name in that caller's lexical scope.
+contextual variable of that name in that context's lexical scope.
 (Use of C<$+FOO> is equivalent to CONTEXT::<$FOO> or $CONTEXT::FOO.)
 If after scanning all the lexical scopes of each dynamic scope,
 there is no variable of that name, it looks in the C<*> package.
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@
 a scalar, it then looks in C<%*ENV> for the identifier of the variable,
 that is, in the environment variables passed to program.  If the
 value is not found there, it returns failure.  Note that C<$+_> is
-always the same as CALLER::<$_> since all callers have a C<$_> that
+always the same as CALLER::<$_> since all contexts have a C<$_> that
 is automatically considered environmental.  Note also that C<CONTEXT>
 and C<$+> always skip the current scope, since you can always name
 the variable directly without the C<CONTEXT> or C<+> if it's been

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        Sun Mar 11 10:28:42 2007
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 21 Mar 2003
-  Last Modified: 10 Mar 2007
+  Last Modified: 11 Mar 2007
   Number: 6
-  Version: 75
+  Version: 76
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 6, which covers subroutines and the
@@ -1680,61 +1680,98 @@
 =head2 The C<context> and C<caller> functions
-The C<context> function returns an object that describes a particular 
-dynamic scope, either the current dynamic scope or some outer dynamic
-scope from which the current scope was called.  The current context
-is numbered 0, and the immediate caller is numbered 1:
+The C<context> function takes a list of matchers and interprets them
+as a navigation path from the current context to a location in the
+dynamic scope, either the current context itself or some context
+from which the current context was called.  It returns an object
+that describes that particular dynamic scope, or a false value if
+there is no such scope.  Numeric arguments are interpreted as number
+of contexts to skip, while non-numeric arguments scan outward for a
+context matching the argument as a smartmatch.
+The current context is accessed with a null argument list.
+    say " file ", context().file,
+        " line ", context().line;
+which is equivalent to:
+    say " file ", CONTEXT::<$?FILE>,
+        " line ", CONTEXT::<$?LINE>;
+The immediate caller of this context is accessed by skipping one level:
     say " file ", context(1).file,
         " line ", context(1).line;
-The C<caller> function is defined as
+You might think that that must be the current function's caller,
+but that's not necessarily so.  This might return an outer block in
+our own routine, or even some function elsewhere that implements a
+control operator on behalf of our block.
+The C<caller> function is special-cased to pay attention only to
+the current C<Routine> scope.  It is defined as navigating to the
+innermost scope matching <&?ROUTINE> (which may be a no-op when
+immediately inside a routine) and then going out one context from that:
-    &caller ::= &context.assuming(1, *);
+    &caller ::= &context.assuming(&?ROUTINE,1);
-so the preceding example can also be written:
+So to find where the current routine was called you can say:
     say " file ", caller.file,
         " line ", caller.line;
-or even
+which is equivalent to:
     say " file ", CALLER::<$?FILE>,
         " line ", CALLER::<$?LINE>;
 The C<caller> function always returns the immediate caller's context,
 but the more general C<context> function may be given arguments
-telling it which higher scope to look for.  The first argument is always
-a count of how many contexts to skip:
+telling it which higher scope to look for.  Each argument is processed
+in order, left to right.  Note that C<Any> and C<0> are no-ops:
-    $ctx = context(0);     # context(0), my own context
-    $ctx = context(1);     # context(1), my caller's context
-    $ctx = context(2);     # context(2), my caller's caller's context
-    $ctx = context($i);    # $i'th caller's context
-The second argument is optional and is a matcher to apply against the
-context object.  The first argument only counts matching contexts:
-    $ctx = context(0, Method);           # nearest context that is method
-    $ctx = context(1, Method);           # 2nd nearest context that is method
-    $ctx = context(1, Method).caller;    # caller of that 2nd nearest method
-    $ctx = context(0, Block);            # nearest context that is block
-    $ctx = context(2, Sub);              # 3rd nearest sub context
-    $ctx = context(0, Block where { .label eq 'Foo' });
-                                        # nearest context whose label is 'Foo'
+    $ctx = context();        # currently running context for &?BLOCK
+    $ctx = context(Any);     # currently running context for &?BLOCK
+    $ctx = context(Any,Any); # currently running context for &?BLOCK
+    $ctx = context(1);       # my context's context
+    $ctx = context(2);       # my context's context's context
+    $ctx = context(3);       # my context's context's context's context
+    $ctx = context(1,0,1,1); # my context's context's context's context
+    $ctx = context($i);      # $i'th context
+Repeating any smartmatch just matches the same context again unless
+    $ctx = context(Method);              # nearest context that is method
+    $ctx = context(Method,Method);       # nearest context that is method
+    $ctx = context(Method,1,Method);     # 2nd nearest method context
+    $ctx = context(Method,1,Method,1)    # caller of that 2nd nearest method
+    $ctx = context(1,Block);             # nearest outer context that is block
+    $ctx = context(Sub,Sub,Sub);         # 3rd nearest sub context
+    $ctx = context({ .label eq 'Foo' }); # nearest context whose label is 'Foo'
 Note that this last potentially differs from the answer returned by
-which returns the context of the innermost Foo block in the lexical scope
-rather than the dynamic scope.
+which returns the context of the innermost C<Foo> block in the lexical scope
+rather than the dynamic scope.  A context also responds to the C<.context>
+method, so a given context may be used as the basis for further navigation:
+    $ctx = context(Method,1,Method);
+    $ctx = context(Method).context(1).context(Method);     # same
+You must supply args to get anywhere else, since C<.context> is
+the identity operator when called on something that is already
+a C<Context>:
+    $ctx = context;
+    $ctx = context.context.context.context;                # same
 The returned context object supports at least the following methods:
-    .caller
@@ -1748,9 +1785,13 @@
 =head2 The C<want> function
-The C<want> function returns a C<Signature> object that contains information
-about the context in which the current block, closure, or subroutine was
-called.  The C<want> function is really just short for C<context(0).want>.
+The C<want> function returns a C<Signature> object that contains
+information about the context in which the current block, closure,
+or subroutine was called.  The C<want> function is really just
+short for C<caller.want>.  (Note that this is what your current
+routine's caller wants from your routine, not necessarily the same as
+C<context.want> when you are embedded in a block within a subroutine.
+Use C<context.want> if that's what you want.)
 As with normal function signatures, you can test the result of C<want> with a
 smart match (C<~~>) or a C<when>:
@@ -1804,7 +1845,7 @@
 to your successor" as appropriate.)  The object specifies the scope to exit,
 and the method's arguments specify the return value.  If the object
 is omitted (by use of the function or listop forms), the innermost
-block is exited.  Otherwise you must use something like C<caller>
+block is exited.  Otherwise you must use something like C<context>
 or C<$?BLOCK> or a contextual variable to specify the scope you
 want to exit.  A label (such as a loop label) previously seen in
 the lexical scope also works as a kind of singleton context object:
@@ -1815,7 +1856,7 @@
 return values.
     leave;                      # return from innermost block of any kind
-    caller(Method).leave;       # return from innermost calling method
+    context(Method).leave;      # return from innermost calling method
     &?ROUTINE.leave(1,2,3);     # Return from current sub. Same as: return 
     &?ROUTINE.leave <== 1,2,3;  # same thing, force return as feed
     OUTER.leave;                # Return from OUTER label in lexical scope

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