Author: larry
Date: Tue Jun 20 11:37:51 2006
New Revision: 9715


Smart match moved to S03.
Smart match clarifications.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod        Tue Jun 20 11:37:51 2006
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 8 Mar 2004
-  Last Modified: 16 Jun 2006
+  Last Modified: 20 Jun 2006
   Number: 3
-  Version: 41
+  Version: 42
 =head1 Changes to existing operators
@@ -318,11 +318,12 @@
 =item * C<^^> is the high-precedence version of C<xor>.
 =item * C<=~> becomes the "smart match" operator C<~~>, with a whole new set
-of semantics.  Anywhere you used C<=~> before you now use C<~~>, but C<~~> is
-much more general now.  See S04 for details.  (To catch "brainos",
-the Perl 6 parser defines an C<< infix:<=~> >> macro which always fails at
-compile time with a message directing the user either to use C<~~> or C<~=> 
-or to put a space between if they really wanted to assign a stringified value.)
+of semantics.  Anywhere you used C<=~> before you now use C<~~>, but C<~~>
+is much more general now.  See "Smart matching" below for details.  (To catch
+"brainos", the Perl 6 parser defines an C<< infix:<=~> >> macro which always
+fails at compile time with a message directing the user either to use C<~~>
+or C<~=> instead, or to put a space between if they really wanted to assign
+a stringified value.)
 =item * "Unary" C<.> calls its single argument (which must a postfix operator)
 on C<$_>.  (It's not really a unary operator, so we put it in quotes.)
@@ -406,6 +407,105 @@
+=head1 Smart matching
+Here is the current table of smart matches.
+The list is intended to reflect forms that can be recognized at
+compile time.  If none of these forms is recognized at compile time, it
+falls through to do MMD to C<< infix:<~~>() >>, which presumably
+reflects similar semantics, but can finesse things that aren't exact
+type matches.  Note that all types are scalarized here.  Both C<~~>
+and C<given>/C<when> provide scalar contexts to their arguments.
+(You can always hyperize C<~~> explicitly, though.)  So both C<$_>
+and C<$x> here are potentially references to container objects.
+And since lists promote to arrays in scalar context, there need be no
+separate entries for lists.
+    $_      $x        Type of Match Implied    Matching Code
+    ======  =====     =====================    =============
+    Any     Code:($)   scalar sub truth         match if $x($_)
+    Hash    Hash      hash keys identical      match if $_.keys.sort »eq« 
+    Hash    any(Hash) hash key intersection    match if $_{any(Hash.keys)}
+    Hash    Array     hash value slice truth   match if $_{any(@$x)}
+    Hash    any(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{any(list)}
+    Hash    all(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{all(list)}
+    Hash    Regex     hash key grep            match if any($_.keys) ~~ /$x/
+    Hash    Any       hash entry existence     match if exists $_{$x}
+    Hash    .{Any}    hash element truth*      match if $_{Any}
+    Hash    .<string> hash element truth*      match if $_<string>
+    Array   Array     arrays are comparable    match if $_ »~~« $x
+    Array   any(list) list intersection        match if any(@$_) ~~ any(list)
+    Array   Regex     array grep               match if any(@$_) ~~ /$x/
+    Array   Num       array contains number    match if any($_) == $x
+    Array   Str       array contains string    match if any($_) eq $x
+    Array   .[number] array element truth*     match if $_[number]
+    Num     NumRange  in numeric range         match if $min <= $_ <= $max
+    Str     StrRange  in string range          match if $min le $_ le $max
+    Capture Signature parameter binding        match if $cap can bind to $sig
+    Any     Code:()    simple closure truth*    match if $x() (ignoring $_)
+    Any     Class     class membership         match if $_.does($x)
+    Any     Role      role playing             match if $_.does($x)
+    Any     Num       numeric equality         match if $_ == $x
+    Any     Str       string equality          match if $_ eq $x
+    Any     .method   method truth*            match if $_.method
+    Any     Regex     pattern match            match if $_ ~~ /$x/
+    Any     subst     substitution match*      match if $_ ~~ subst
+    Any     boolean   simple expression truth* match if true given $_
+    Any     undef     undefined                match unless defined $_
+    Any     Whatever  default                  match anything
+    Any     Any       run-time dispatch        match if infix:<~~>($_, $x)
+Matches marked with * are non-reversible, typically because C<~~> takes
+its left side as the topic for the right side, and sets the topic to a
+private instance of C<$_> for its right side, so C<$_> means something
+different on either side.  Such non-reversible constructs can be made
+reversible by putting the leading term into a closure to defer the
+binding of C<$_>.  For example:
+    $x ~~ .does(Storeable)     # okay
+    .does(Storeable) ~~ $x     # not okay--gets wrong $_ on left
+    { .does(Storeable) } ~~ $x # okay--closure binds its $_ to $x
+Exactly the same consideration applies to C<given> and C<when>:
+    given $x { when .does(Storeable) {...} }      # okay
+    given .does(Storeable) { when $x {...} }      # not okay
+    given { .does(Storeable) } { when $x {...} }  # okay
+Boolean expressions are those known to return a boolean value, such
+as comparisons, or the unary C<?> operator.  They may reference C<$_>
+explicitly or implicitly.  If they don't reference C<$_> at all, that's
+okay too--in that case you're just using the switch structure as a more
+readable alternative to a string of elsifs.  Note, however, that this means
+you can't write:
+    given $boolean {
+       when True {...}
+       when False {...}
+    }
+because it will always choose the C<True> case.  Instead use something like:
+    given $boolean {
+       when .true {...}
+       when .not {...}
+    }
+Better, just use an C<if> statement.
+The primary use of the C<~~> operator is to return a boolean value in
+a boolean context.  However, for certain operands such as regular
+expressions, use of the operator within scalar or list context transfers
+the context to that operand, so that, for instance, a regular expression
+can return a list of matched substrings, as in Perl 5.  The complete
+list of such operands is TBD.
+It has not yet been determined if run-time dispatch of C<~~> will
+attempt to emulate the compile-time precedence table before reverting
+to MMD, or just go directly to MMD.  There are good arguments for
+both sides, and we can decide when we see more examples of how
+it'll work out.
 =head1 Hyper operators
 The Unicode characters C<»> (C<\x[BB]>) and C<«> (C<\x[AB]>) and
@@ -1084,3 +1184,4 @@
 Comma is the only listop that is allowed to occur where an operator is
 expected.  All other listops function as a term within the list to the left.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.pod        Tue Jun 20 11:37:51 2006
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 19 Aug 2004
-  Last Modified: 15 June 2006
+  Last Modified: 20 June 2006
   Number: 4
-  Version: 23
+  Version: 24
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 4, which covers the block and
 statement syntax of Perl.
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
 is exactly equivalent to
-    when true {...}
+    when * {...}
 Because C<when> statements are executed in order, the default must
 come last.  You don't have to use an explicit default--you can just
@@ -767,89 +767,6 @@
 since C<< prefix:<if> >> would hide C<< statement_modifier:<if> >>.
-=head1 Smart matching
-Here is the current table of smart matches (which probably belongs in
-S03).  The list is intended to reflect forms that can be recognized at
-compile time.  If none of these forms is recognized at compile time, it
-falls through to do MMD to C<< infix:<~~>() >>, which presumably
-reflects similar semantics, but can finesse things that aren't exact
-type matches.  Note that all types are scalarized here.  Both C<~~>
-and C<given>/C<when> provide scalar contexts to their arguments.
-(You can always hyperize C<~~> explicitly, though.)  So both C<$_>
-and C<$x> here are potentially references to container objects.
-And since lists promote to arrays in scalar context, there need be no
-separate entries for lists.
-    $_      $x        Type of Match Implied    Matching Code
-    ======  =====     =====================    =============
-    Any     Code:($)   scalar sub truth         match if $x($_)
-    Hash    Hash      hash keys identical      match if $_.keys.sort »eq« 
-    Hash    any(Hash) hash key intersection    match if $_{any(Hash.keys)}
-    Hash    Array     hash value slice truth   match if $_{any(@$x)}
-    Hash    any(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{any(list)}
-    Hash    all(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{all(list)}
-    Hash    Regex     hash key grep            match if any($_.keys) ~~ /$x/
-    Hash    Any       hash entry existence     match if exists $_{$x}
-    Hash    .{Any}    hash element truth*      match if $_{Any}
-    Hash    .<string> hash element truth*      match if $_<string>
-    Array   Array     arrays are identical     match if $_ »~~« $x
-    Array   any(list) list intersection        match if any(@$_) ~~ any(list)
-    Array   Regex     array grep               match if any(@$_) ~~ /$x/
-    Array   Num       array contains number    match if any($_) == $x
-    Array   Str       array contains string    match if any($_) eq $x
-    Array   .[number] array element truth*     match if $_[number]
-    Num     NumRange  in numeric range         match if $min <= $_ <= $max
-    Str     StrRange  in string range          match if $min le $_ le $max
-    Capture Signature parameter binding        match if $cap can bind to $sig
-    Any     Code:()    simple closure truth*    match if $x() (ignoring $_)
-    Any     Class     class membership         match if $_.does($x)
-    Any     Role      role playing             match if $_.does($x)
-    Any     Num       numeric equality         match if $_ == $x
-    Any     Str       string equality          match if $_ eq $x
-    Any     .method   method truth*            match if $_.method
-    Any     Regex     pattern match            match if $_ ~~ /$x/
-    Any     subst     substitution match*      match if $_ ~~ subst
-    Any     boolean   simple expression truth* match if true given $_
-    Any     undef     undefined                match unless defined $_
-    Any     Any       run-time dispatch        match if infix:<~~>($_, $x)
-Matches marked with * are non-reversible, typically because C<~~> takes
-its left side as the topic for the right side, and sets the topic to a
-private instance of C<$_> for its right side, so C<$_> means something
-different on either side.  Such non-reversible constructs can be made
-reversible by putting the leading term into a closure to defer the
-binding of C<$_>.  For example:
-    $x ~~ .does(Storeable)     # okay
-    .does(Storeable) ~~ $x     # not okay--gets wrong $_ on left
-    { .does(Storeable) } ~~ $x # okay--closure binds its $_ to $x
-Exactly the same consideration applies to C<given> and C<when>:
-    given $x { when .does(Storeable) {...} }      # okay
-    given .does(Storeable) { when $x {...} }      # not okay
-    given { .does(Storeable) } { when $x {...} }  # okay
-Boolean expressions are those known to return a boolean value, such
-as comparisons, or the unary C<?> operator.  They may reference C<$_>
-explicitly or implicitly.  If they don't reference C<$_> at all, that's
-okay too--in that case you're just using the switch structure as a more
-readable alternative to a string of elsifs.
-The primary use of the C<~~> operator is to return a boolean value in
-a boolean context.  However, for certain operands such as regular
-expressions, use of the operator within scalar or list context transfers
-the context to that operand, so that, for instance, a regular expression
-can return a list of matched substrings, as in Perl 5.  The complete
-list of such operands is TBD.
-It has not yet been determined if run-time dispatch of C<~~> will
-attempt to emulate the compile-time precedence table before reverting
-to MMD, or just go directly to MMD.  There are good arguments for
-both sides, and we can decide when we see more examples of how
-it'll work out.
 =head1 Definition of Success
 Hypothetical variables are somewhat transactional--they keep their

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