N.B. "flak" and "flack" are two different words, the latter referring
to a political position.

On 5/8/08, John M. Dlugosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:
>>> When I mentioned this before, there was big flack over mentioning the
>>> way C++ did it.  I think that must have been miscommunicated, since I
>>> wasn't even talking about summing all the arguments when he brought
>>> up "Manhattan dispatch".
>> BTW, what is a flack?
> American slang, I suppose!  It dates from World War II, from
> /*Fl*ug*a*bwehr*k*anone/ aircraft defense cannon.  Bombers flying over
> Axis teritory would be "taking flak" when they were being shot at.  The
> "flak jacket" they wore became the modern bulletproof vests, and the
> term "flak" now means flying debris and shrapnel.
> I think I used "flak" to refer to the situation of being bombarded by
> small bits of debris rather than the debris itself because it sounds a
> lot like "raise a flap", meaning an excited state of agitation.  So I
> think British "flap" has become American "flack".
> --John

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