On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 02:09:41PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> +Note that these differ:
> +
> +    $min ..^ $max    $ min .. $max-1
> +    $min .. ^$max    # $min .. (0..$max-1)

The punctuation looks a little funny on the first line.  Also, are
$min ..^ $max and $min .. $max-1 really the same range?

I'm a little curious about the second line, is that even legal?  It
seems to me a Range should only allow itself to be constructed from
endpoints with a well-defined ordering, so a Range of Ranges should be
illegal.  Or does the .. end up pulling a num out of the ^$max range
iterator for its endpoint somehow via MMD?


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