Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread John Macdonald
On May 4, 2005 06:22 pm, Rod Adams wrote:
> John Macdonald wrote:
> >On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 03:02:41PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>If there are good uses for coroutines that given/take does not address, 
> >>I'll gladly change my opinion. But I'd like to see some examples.
> >>FWIW, I believe that Patrick's example of the PGE returning matches 
> >>could be written with given/take (if it was being written in P6).
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Um, I don't recall what given/take provides, so I may be only
> >addressing the limitations of lazy lists...
> >  
> >
> First off, it's gather/take, not given/take. My mistake. Oops.
> Here goes my understanding of gather/take:
> "gather" takes a block as an argument, and returns a lazy list object. 
> Inside that block, one can issue "take" commands, which "push" one or 
> more values onto the list. However, since it's all lazy, it only 
> executes the block when someone needs something off the list that 
> currently isn't there. And even then, it only executes the block up 
> until enough "take"s have happened to get the requested value. If the 
> block exits, the list is ended.

Strange.  The names gather/take suggest accepting values rather than
generating them (yet generating them onto the lizy list is what you
describe this code as doing).  I don't like the name "yield" either for the
same reason - it suggests that the data only goes one way while the
operation of transferrig control from one coroutine to another is a pair
has the first producing a value to the other (but also being ready to
accept a value in return when it gets resumed in turn).  Whether a
particular resume is passing data out, or accepting data in, or both,
is a matter of what your code happen to need at that moment.

> A simple example:
>   sub grep ($test, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
> gather {
>   for @values -> $x {
> take $x if $x ~~ $test;
>   }
> }
>   }
> Since the block in question is in effect a closure, and gets called 
> whenever a new value to the lazy list is requested, I believe it 
> provides all of the generator aspects of coroutines. It could access 
> various up-scoped/global variables, thereby changing it's behavior 
> midcourse, if needed. You can create several versions of the same 
> generator, all distinct, and with separate "states", and easily keep 
> them separate. To create a new list, you call the function. To resume a 
> list, you ask for a value from the list it hasn't already created.

Asking for a value by scanning a lazy list provides no mechanism for
sending information to the routine that will provide that value.

For example, the parser for perl5 is written with contorted code because
it needs just such a feedback mechanism - the parser has to turn
characters into tokens differently depending upon the context.  If it was
written as a lazy list of tokens, there would have to be this feedback
done somehow.  (Is \1 one token or two?  In a string, it is one token for
the character with octal value 001 (or perhaps a part of the token that
is the entire string containing that character as only a portion), in a
substitute, it is one token that refers back to the first match, in open
expression code, it is two tokens representing a refernce operator and
the numeric value 1.  (POD and here-strings are other forms that
require feedback.)

> Once you have some of these lazy list functions made, pipelining them 
> together is trivial via "==>" or "<==".
> >For many simple uses generators are exactly what you need,
> >but they have limits.  A more powerful coroutine mechanism can
> >easily provide the simple forms (and, I would expect, without
> >any serious loss of performance).
> >
> I'll ask again for a couple examples of the non-generator uses, mostly 
> out of curiosity, but also to better evaluate the proposals being kicked 
> around in this thread.
> -- Rod Adams

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Rod Adams
John Macdonald wrote:
On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 03:02:41PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:

If there are good uses for coroutines that given/take does not address, 
I'll gladly change my opinion. But I'd like to see some examples.
FWIW, I believe that Patrick's example of the PGE returning matches 
could be written with given/take (if it was being written in P6).

Um, I don't recall what given/take provides, so I may be only
addressing the limitations of lazy lists...

First off, it's gather/take, not given/take. My mistake. Oops.
Here goes my understanding of gather/take:
"gather" takes a block as an argument, and returns a lazy list object. 
Inside that block, one can issue "take" commands, which "push" one or 
more values onto the list. However, since it's all lazy, it only 
executes the block when someone needs something off the list that 
currently isn't there. And even then, it only executes the block up 
until enough "take"s have happened to get the requested value. If the 
block exits, the list is ended.

A simple example:
 sub grep ($test, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
   gather {
 for @values -> $x {
   take $x if $x ~~ $test;
Since the block in question is in effect a closure, and gets called 
whenever a new value to the lazy list is requested, I believe it 
provides all of the generator aspects of coroutines. It could access 
various up-scoped/global variables, thereby changing it's behavior 
midcourse, if needed. You can create several versions of the same 
generator, all distinct, and with separate "states", and easily keep 
them separate. To create a new list, you call the function. To resume a 
list, you ask for a value from the list it hasn't already created.

Once you have some of these lazy list functions made, pipelining them 
together is trivial via "==>" or "<==".

For many simple uses generators are exactly what you need,
but they have limits.  A more powerful coroutine mechanism can
easily provide the simple forms (and, I would expect, without
any serious loss of performance).
I'll ask again for a couple examples of the non-generator uses, mostly 
out of curiosity, but also to better evaluate the proposals being kicked 
around in this thread.

-- Rod Adams

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Damian Conway
John Macdonald wrote a lovely summary of coroutines [omitted]. Then added:
> I'd use "resume" instead of "coreturn"
We've generally said we'd be using "yield".
> and the interface for resume would allow values to be sent
> in as well as out.
Indeed. As John suggested, the "yield" keyword (or whatever we call it) will 
evaluate to the argument list that is passed when the coroutine is resumed.

> sub byn(@base) is coroutine($count,@add) {
> while(1) {
> push(@base,@add);
> return undef unless @base;
> ($count, @add) = resume .call (splice @base, 0, $count );
> }
> }
Under the "stupid" proposal, that would be:
  sub byn(@base) {
  return coro ($count, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is copy) {  # Anonymous coroutine
  while (1) {
  push @base, @add;
  return undef unless @base;
  ($count, @add) = yield splice @base, 0, $count;
> my $co = byn(1..10);
> print $co.resume(3);  # 1 2 3
> print $co.resume(2,50..56)# 4 5
> print $co.resume(10); # 6 7 8 9 10 50 51 52 53 54
> print $co.resume(10); # 55 56
> print $co.resume(10); # (undef)
> print $co.resume(10); # exception or undef
Which would become:
  my $co = byn(1..10);
  print $co(3); # 1 2 3
  print $co(2,50..56)   # 4 5
  print $co(10);# 6 7 8 9 10 50 51 52 53 54
  print $co(10);# 55 56
  print $co(10);# undef
  print $co(10);# exception

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread John Macdonald
On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 03:02:41PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
> John Macdonald wrote:
> >The most common (and what people sometimes believe the
> >*only* usage) is as a generator - a coroutime which creates a
> >sequence of values as its "chunk" and always returns control
> >to its caller.  (This retains part of the subordinate aspect
> >of a subroutine.  While it has the ability to resume operation
> >from where it left off and so doesn't terminate as soon as it
> >has a partial result to pass on, it has the subordinate trait
> >of not caring who called it and not trying to exert any control
> >over which coroutine is next given control after completing a
> >"chunk").
> > 
> >
> [Rest of lengthy, but good explanation of coroutines omitted]
> Question:
> Do we not get all of this loveliness from lazy lists and the given/take 
> syntax? Seems like that makes a pretty straightforward generator, and 
> even wraps it into a nice, complete object that people can play with.
> Now, I'm all in favor of TMTOWTDI, but in this case, if there are no 
> other decent uses of co-routines, I don't see the need for AWTDI. 
> Given/Take _does_ create a coroutine.
> If there are good uses for coroutines that given/take does not address, 
> I'll gladly change my opinion. But I'd like to see some examples.
> FWIW, I believe that Patrick's example of the PGE returning matches 
> could be written with given/take (if it was being written in P6).

Um, I don't recall what given/take provides, so I may be only
addressing the limitations of lazy lists...

I mentioned Unix pipelines as an example.  The same concept of
a series of programs that treat each other as a data stream
translates to coroutines: each is a "mainline" routine that
treats the others as subroutines.  Take a simple pipeline
component, like say "tr".  When it is used in the middle
of a pipeline, it has command line arguments that specify
how it is to transform its data and stdin and stdout are
connected to other parts of the pipeline.  It reads some
data, transforms it, and then writes the result.  Lather,
rinse, repeat.  A pipeline component program can be written
easily because it keeps its own state for the entire run but
doesn't have to worry about keeping track of any state for
the other partsd of a pipeline.  This is like a coroutine -
since a coroutine does not return at each step it keeps its
state and since it simply resumes other coroutines it does not
need to keep track of their state at all.  To change a coroutine
into a subroutine means that the replacement subroutine has to
be able, on each invokation, to recreate its state to match
where it left off; either by using private state variables
or by having the routine that calls it take over the task of
managing its state.  If pipeline components were instead like
subroutines rather than coroutines, then whenever a process
had computed some output data, instead of using a "write"
to pass the data on to an existing coroutine-like process,
it would have to create a new process to process this bit of
data.  Using coroutines allows you to create the same sort of
pipelines within a single process; having each one written as
its own "mainline" and thinking of the others as data sources
and sinks that it reads from and writes to is very powerful.
Lazy lists are similar to redirection of stdin from a file at
the head of a pipeline.  Its fine if you already have that data
well specified.  Try writing a perl shell program that uses
coroutines instead of separate processes to handle pipelines
and has a coroutine library to compose the pipelines; this
would be a much more complicated programming task to write
using subroutines instead of coroutines.

The example of a compiler was also given - the parser runs over
th input and turns it into tokens, the lexer takes tokens and
parses them into an internal pseudo code form, the optimizer
takes the pseudo code and shuffles it around into pseudocode
that (one hopes) is better, the code generator takes the
pseudocode and transforms it into Parrot machine code, the
interpretor takes the Parrot machine code and executes it.
They mostly connect together in a kind of pipeline; but
there can be dynamic patches to that pipeline (a BEGIN block,
for example, causes the interpretor to be pulled in as soon
as that chunk if complete, and if that code includes a "use"
it might cause a new pipeline of parser/lexer/etc to be set up
to process an extra file right now, while keeping the original
pipeline intact to be resumed in due course.  (This example
also fits with Luke's reservations about failing to distinguish
clearly between crating and resuming a coroutine - how are you
going to start a new parser if "calling" the parse subroutine
will just resume the instance that is already running instead
of creating a separate coroutime.)

For many simple uses generators are exactly what you need,
but they have limits.  A more powerful coroutine mechanism can
easily provide the s

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Damian Conway
[Not back, just sufficiently irritated...]
Luke Palmer wrote:
in my proposal, when you call a coroutine, it returns an iterator (and
doesn't call anything):
my $example = example();
=$example;  # 1
=$example;  # 2
The thing this buys over the traditional (which I refer to as the
"stupid") way, is that you can do this:
my $example = example();
my $example2 = example();
=$example; # 1
=$example; # 2
=$example2; # 1
=$example; # 3
There is _no way_ to do that using the stupid way.
Nonsense. You just return an anonymous coroutine:
sub example { coro {...} }
my $example  = example();
my $example2 = example();
$example();  # 1
$example();  # 2
$example2(); # 1
$example();  # 3

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Rod Adams
John Macdonald wrote:
The most common (and what people sometimes believe the
*only* usage) is as a generator - a coroutime which creates a
sequence of values as its "chunk" and always returns control
to its caller.  (This retains part of the subordinate aspect
of a subroutine.  While it has the ability to resume operation
from where it left off and so doesn't terminate as soon as it
has a partial result to pass on, it has the subordinate trait
of not caring who called it and not trying to exert any control
over which coroutine is next given control after completing a

[Rest of lengthy, but good explanation of coroutines omitted]
Do we not get all of this loveliness from lazy lists and the given/take 
syntax? Seems like that makes a pretty straightforward generator, and 
even wraps it into a nice, complete object that people can play with.

Now, I'm all in favor of TMTOWTDI, but in this case, if there are no 
other decent uses of co-routines, I don't see the need for AWTDI. 
Given/Take _does_ create a coroutine.

If there are good uses for coroutines that given/take does not address, 
I'll gladly change my opinion. But I'd like to see some examples.
FWIW, I believe that Patrick's example of the PGE returning matches 
could be written with given/take (if it was being written in P6).

-- Rod Adams

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 02:22:43PM -0400, John Macdonald wrote:
> On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 10:43:22AM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 10:07, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> > > A coroutine is just a functional unit that can be re-started after a
> > > previous return, so I would expect that in Perl, a coroutine would be
> > > defined by the use of a variant of return
> A co(operating) routine is similar to a sub(ordinate) routine.
> They are both a contained unit of code that can be invoked.
> A subroutine carries out its entire functionality completely
> and then terminates before returning control back to the caller.
> [...]
> This can be used for a large variety of functions.
> The most common (and what people sometimes believe the
> *only* usage) is as a generator - a coroutime which creates a
> sequence of values as its "chunk" and always returns control
> to its caller.  ...

Notably, the grammar engine for Perl 6 rules is taking full
advantage of Parrot coroutines.  Invoking a rule (coroutine)
causes the rule to continue until it completes a match, at which
point it returns the results of the match to the caller.  But
the caller can later return control back to the rule/match so
that the matching (and backtracking) continues from where it
last finished.


Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread John Macdonald
On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 10:43:22AM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 10:07, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 09:47, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> > 
> > > So without asking for S17 in its entirety to be written, is it
> > > possible to get a synopsis of how p6 will do coroutines?
> > 
> > A coroutine is just a functional unit that can be re-started after a
> > previous return, so I would expect that in Perl, a coroutine would be
> > defined by the use of a variant of return

A co(operating) routine is similar to a sub(ordinate) routine.
They are both a contained unit of code that can be invoked.

A subroutine carries out its entire functionality completely
and then terminates before returning control back to the caller.

A coroutine can break its functionality into many chunks. After
completing a chunk, it returns control back to the caller
(or passes control to a different coroutine instead) without
terminating.  At some later point, the caller (or some other
coroutine) can resumes this coroutine and it will continue
on from where it left off.  From the point of view of this
coroutine, it just executed a "subroutine" call in the middle
of its execution.  When used to it full limit, each coroutine
treats the other(s) as a subroutine; each thinks it is the
master and can run its code as it pleases, and call the other
whenever and from wherever it likes.

This can be used for a large variety of functions.

The most common (and what people sometimes believe the
*only* usage) is as a generator - a coroutime which creates a
sequence of values as its "chunk" and always returns control
to its caller.  (This retains part of the subordinate aspect
of a subroutine.  While it has the ability to resume operation
from where it left off and so doesn't terminate as soon as it
has a partial result to pass on, it has the subordinate trait
of not caring who called it and not trying to exert any control
over which coroutine is next given control after completing a

The mirror image simple case is a consumer - which accepts a
sequence of values from another coroutine and processes them.
(From the viewpoint of a generator coroutine, the mainline
that invokes it acts is a consumer coroutine.)

A read handle and a write handle are generator and consumer data
contructs - they aren't coroutines because they don't have any
code that "thinks" it has just called a "subroutine" to get
the next data to write (or to process the previous data that
was read).  However, read and write coroutines are perfectly
reasonable - a macro processor is a generator coroutine that
uses an input file rather than a mathematical sequence as
one facet of how it decides the next chunk to be generated
and passed on; a code generator is a consumer coroutine that
accepts parsed chunks and creates (and writes to a file perhaps)
code from it.

Controlling the flow of control is powerful - a bunch of
coroutines can be set up to act like a Unix pipeline.  The first
coroutine will read and process input.  Occassionally it
will determine that it has a useful chunk to pass on to its
successor, and pass control to that successor.  The niddle
coroutines on the chain will pass control to their predecessor
whenever they need new "input" and to their successor when
they have transformed that input into a unit of "output".
The last coroutine will accept its input and process it,
probably writing to the outside world in some way.

Coroutines can permit even wider range in the control flow.
Coroutines were used in Simula, which was a simulation and
modelling language, and it allowed independent coroutines to
each model a portion of the simulation and they would each be
resumed at appropriate times, sometimes by a master scheduler
which determined which major coroutine needed to be resumed
next, but also sometimes by each other.

A coroutine declaration should essentially declare 2
"subroutine" interfaces, describing the parameter and return
value information.  One is the function that gets called to
create a new instance of the coroutine; the other defines
the interface that is used to resume execution of an existing
instance of that coroutine.  The resume interface will look
like a definition of a subroutine - describing the argument
list and return values for the interface.

Having special purpose coroutine declarations for simple
generators and consumers would be possible and could hide the
need (in more general cases) for the full double interface.

The creation interface should (IMHO) return an object that can
be resumed (using the resumtion interface), could be tested
for various aspects of its state - .isalive (has it terminated
by returning from the function), .caller (which coroutine last
resumed it), probably others.

The act of resuming another coroutine is simply calling its
second interface with an appropriate set of arguments and
expecting that resumption to return an appropriate set of
values (when this coroutine is next re

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 10:07, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 09:47, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> > So without asking for S17 in its entirety to be written, is it
> > possible to get a synopsis of how p6 will do coroutines?
> A coroutine is just a functional unit that can be re-started after a
> previous return, so I would expect that in Perl, a coroutine would be
> defined by the use of a variant of return

Oh, I failed to comment on a few things (and given Luke's responses,
this answer can be seen to dove-tail into what he said, though I don't
think you need a coroutine trait most of the time).

Here they are as questions with my expected default answers:

Q: What does a coroutine return when exausted?
A: It either explicitly "return"s something or falls off the end. This
allows you to:

sub ten() { for 1..10 -> $_ { coreturn $_ } return undef; }

correctly terminating ten() when called in a loop.

If you ever call coreturn, then dropping off the end of the routine
probably implicitly returns undef rather than the last statement
executed as normal. Why? As a default way to signal the caller that
we're done. More sophisticated means (adding traits to the undef) might
be employed.

Q: What happens if you change parameters?
A: Nothing. You would have to store the information about what
parameters were active somewhere, and no matter where you choose
(current lexical pad, parameters, coroutine itself, etc.), there are
many cases that are non-obvious to the programmer, and this gets

while someco(@x) -> $_ {
while someco(@x) -> $_ {...}

If you want to modify behavior based on parameter, return a closure that
is a coroutine:

sub someco(@p) { return -> { for @p -> $_ { coreturn $_ } } }

my $co1 = someco(@x);
while $co1.() -> $_ {
my $co2 = someco(@x);
while $co2.() -> $_ {...}

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Joshua Gatcomb
On 5/4/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/4/05, Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok - this isn't what I was expecting at all.  That doesn't make it a
> > bad thing.  Given something that looks a lot more like a typical
> > coroutine:
> >
> > sub example is coroutine {
> > yield 1;
> > yield 2;
> > yield 3;
> > }
> >
> > I would expect
> > for 1 .. 5 { say example() } to print "1\n2\n3\n1\n\2"
> Ding!  You just hit the disagreement point.  You're on Damian's side.

Not exactly.  I am basing my expectation on the following link and
then asking with all the different ways to define behavior - has a
decision WRT p6 been made.

> Sorry for my language... it's just that if I were dropped into a
> project that invented that abstraction for something it was doing, it
> would be one of the first things I'd change.  Totally unscalable
> design.
> > If I got fancy and added a parameter
> >
> > sub example ( $num ) is coroutine {
> > yield $num;
> > yield $num + 1;
> > yield $num - 2;
> > }
> >
> > I would expect
> > for 1 .. 5 { say example( 7 ) } to print "7\n8\n6\n7\n8";
> And here is where it gets trickier:
> say example(7);   # 7
> say example(7);   # 8
> say example(8);   # 8?  6?

Exactly my point.  There is more than one way to define the behavior
(especially with parameter handling).  That is why I included a
reference and asked how p6 was going to do it.  Personally, I don't
care because I know people like you, Larry, Damian, et all will make a
sound decision.  What I want to know is if you have a decision already
that isn't published in its entirety so I can start writing tests.

Ok, I do care.  Regardless of behavior, I would hope the syntax would
somewhat resemble that of other languages.
> Luke
Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. L~R

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> On 5/4/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 5/4/05, Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > So without asking for S17 in its entirety to be written, is it
>> > possible to get a synopsis of how p6 will do coroutines?  I ask
>> > because after reading Dan's "What the heck is:  a coroutine", it is
>> > clear there is more than one way to dictate behavior.
>> Well, one way is to use generating functions:
>> my @a = gather {
>> for 1..10 {
>> say;
>> take;
>> }
>> }
> Ok - this isn't what I was expecting at all.  That doesn't make it a
> bad thing.  Given something that looks a lot more like a typical
> coroutine:

  sub example(...) {
my $index = 0;
my @a:= gather {
  ...coroutine code here, use "take" to yield a result...;

return { @a[$index++] };

  my $gen = example(...);
  say $gen();
  say $gen();
  say $gen();

(FWIW, I like something along the lines of "is coroutine" and then
"yield" to yield a result, too, but I don't have a strong opinion on


Linux, the choice of a GNU | Row, row, row your bits, gently down the
generation on a dual AMD   | stream...  

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Joshua Gatcomb
On 5/4/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/4/05, Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So without asking for S17 in its entirety to be written, is it
> > possible to get a synopsis of how p6 will do coroutines?  I ask
> > because after reading Dan's "What the heck is:  a coroutine", it is
> > clear there is more than one way to dictate behavior.
> Well, one way is to use generating functions:
> my @a = gather {
> for 1..10 {
> say;
> take;
> }
> }
> (Where that = might be spelled :=).  Here, the code is not executed
> until an element of @a is demanded.  It is executed as many times as
> necessary to fetch that element, and then stopped in its tracks.

Ok - this isn't what I was expecting at all.  That doesn't make it a
bad thing.  Given something that looks a lot more like a typical

sub example is coroutine {
   yield 1;
   yield 2;
   yield 3;

I would expect
for 1 .. 5 { say example() } to print "1\n2\n3\n1\n\2"

If I got fancy and added a parameter

sub example ( $num ) is coroutine {
   yield $num;
   yield $num + 1;
   yield $num - 2;

I would expect
for 1 .. 5 { say example( 7 ) } to print "7\n8\n6\n7\n8";

The questions I am really asking is:
1.  Will coroutines be supported at all?
2.  If yes, will they look like coroutines in other languages?
3.  If yes, in what ways will they be behave (handling of parameters
for instance)?
4.  Finally, what is the proper syntax for declaring and calling coroutines?

I am fine with a "we haven't got that far yet" answer.  I was just
hoping to write some tests to drive features.

> Luke
- Hide quoted text -
Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. L~R

Re: Coroutine Question

2005-05-04 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 09:47, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

> So without asking for S17 in its entirety to be written, is it
> possible to get a synopsis of how p6 will do coroutines?

A coroutine is just a functional unit that can be re-started after a
previous return, so I would expect that in Perl, a coroutine would be
defined by the use of a variant of return, such as:

sub generate_this() {
for 1..10 -> $_ {
coreturn $_;

Of course, I'm pulling that out of my @ss, so YMMV. ;-)

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback