Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2007-01-22 Thread Blair Sutton
Sorry some zealous re-factoring screwed my earlier script. The objects 
should have been created outside the push stack. I.e.

my $a = MyObj->new('zippy', 3);
my $b = MyObj->new('biggles', 5);

my $s = new Thread::Semaphore;
my @B :shared;
push @B, $a;
push @B, $b;


Then the destruction does happen at the end of the program. I.e.

Creating 'zippy' with 3 lives
Creating 'biggles' with 5 lives
T1: starting
T1: 'biggles' has 5 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: starting
T2: 'biggles' has 4 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: starting
T3: 'biggles' has 3 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'biggles' has 2 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'biggles' has 1 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'biggles' has 0 lives
T1: 'zippy' has 3 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'zippy' has 2 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'zippy' has 1 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'zippy' has 0 lives
T2: Exiting
T3: Exiting
T1: Exiting
All threads joined
Destroying 'biggles' with 0 lives
Destroying 'zippy' with 0 lives

[from the mad hatter: please ignore previous message about object being 
destroyed in wrong place]

Blair Sutton wrote:

Actually this script displays: -

Creating 'zippy' with 3 lives
Destroying 'zippy' with 3 lives
Creating 'biggles' with 5 lives
Destroying 'biggles' with 5 lives
T1: starting
T1: 'biggles' has 5 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: starting
T2: 'biggles' has 4 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: starting
T3: 'biggles' has 3 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'biggles' has 2 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'biggles' has 1 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'biggles' has 0 lives
T1: 'zippy' has 3 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'zippy' has 2 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'zippy' has 1 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'zippy' has 0 lives
T2: Exiting
T3: Exiting
T1: Exiting

This shows the objects being DESTROYed before they should be, i.e. the 
last instance being destroyed in the relevant thread. Maybe P6 can 
cure this?

Blair Sutton wrote:
Here is a script in Perl 5 with a multi-threaded RAII idiom I use 
quite a lot (In P5 & C++). I am not sure how threads will be 
implemented in P6 (but hopefully one will have a *choice* of copying 
all variables into your private namespace!).Will the LEAVE closure 
trait take the previous role of P5's DESTROY or will it always be 
executed when one falls out of scope?

use strict;
use warnings;

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;

   package MyObj;

   sub new {
   my ($this, $name, $lives) = @_;
   my $self = &threads::shared::share({});
   $self->{name} = $name;
   $self->{lives} = $lives;
   $self->{tid} = threads->tid();
   print "Creating '$name' with $lives lives\n";
   bless $self;

   sub DESTROY {
   my $self = shift;
   if (threads->tid() == $self->{tid}) {
   print "Destroying '$self->{name}' with $self->{lives} 


my $s = new Thread::Semaphore;
my @B :shared;
push @B, MyObj->new('zippy', 3);
push @B, MyObj->new('biggles', 5);

my $t1 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T1');
my $t2 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T2');
my $t3 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T3');



sub worker {
   my $name = shift;
   print "$name: starting\n";
   while (1) {
   print "$name: Exiting\n";
   my $o = pop @B;
   print "$name: '$o->{name}' has $o->{lives} lives\n";
   if ($o->{lives} != 0) {
   print "$name: Remove from list\n";
   push @B, $o;
   sleep 1;



Luke Palmer wrote:

On 12/18/06, Blair Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree entirely that not all objects need this capability but some
certainly do. That is, the capability to execute code once every
reference of an object has been removed. Could you point to, or 
give an

example of the Perl 6 way for doing something similar?

Well, there is one general method I can think of.  You need to know
more about your program in order to implement it; i.e. if an object
which contains an array of objects, one element of which has a socket
that needs closing, it's going to be tough to get it right.  That's
one of the negative sides of the trade-off Larry mentioned (but he
made an excellent case for the positive sides, and the reason why
we're leaning the nondeterministic way).

The main tool at your disposal is the LEAVE closure trait.  i.e.:

   sub foo {
   LEAVE { say "leaving foo" }

This code will say "leaving foo" whenever its dynamic scope ends,
whether that time is the successful completion of do_more_stuff or
whether do_stuff threw an exception.  If I understand the idiom
correctly, this exceptional case was the main reason behind RAII.  Do
your cleanup in the LEAVE block.

If you have a specific scenario that comes up a lot, other than "the
exact semantics of RAII", do describ

Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2007-01-22 Thread Blair Sutton

Actually this script displays: -

Creating 'zippy' with 3 lives
Destroying 'zippy' with 3 lives
Creating 'biggles' with 5 lives
Destroying 'biggles' with 5 lives
T1: starting
T1: 'biggles' has 5 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: starting
T2: 'biggles' has 4 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: starting
T3: 'biggles' has 3 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'biggles' has 2 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'biggles' has 1 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'biggles' has 0 lives
T1: 'zippy' has 3 lives
T1: Remove from list
T2: 'zippy' has 2 lives
T2: Remove from list
T3: 'zippy' has 1 lives
T3: Remove from list
T1: 'zippy' has 0 lives
T2: Exiting
T3: Exiting
T1: Exiting

This shows the objects being DESTROYed before they should be, i.e. the 
last instance being destroyed in the relevant thread. Maybe P6 can cure 

Blair Sutton wrote:
Here is a script in Perl 5 with a multi-threaded RAII idiom I use 
quite a lot (In P5 & C++). I am not sure how threads will be 
implemented in P6 (but hopefully one will have a *choice* of copying 
all variables into your private namespace!).Will the LEAVE closure 
trait take the previous role of P5's DESTROY or will it always be 
executed when one falls out of scope?

use strict;
use warnings;

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;

   package MyObj;

   sub new {
   my ($this, $name, $lives) = @_;
   my $self = &threads::shared::share({});
   $self->{name} = $name;
   $self->{lives} = $lives;
   $self->{tid} = threads->tid();
   print "Creating '$name' with $lives lives\n";
   bless $self;

   sub DESTROY {
   my $self = shift;
   if (threads->tid() == $self->{tid}) {
   print "Destroying '$self->{name}' with $self->{lives} 


my $s = new Thread::Semaphore;
my @B :shared;
push @B, MyObj->new('zippy', 3);
push @B, MyObj->new('biggles', 5);

my $t1 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T1');
my $t2 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T2');
my $t3 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T3');



sub worker {
   my $name = shift;
   print "$name: starting\n";
   while (1) {
   print "$name: Exiting\n";
   my $o = pop @B;
   print "$name: '$o->{name}' has $o->{lives} lives\n";
   if ($o->{lives} != 0) {
   print "$name: Remove from list\n";
   push @B, $o;
   sleep 1;



Luke Palmer wrote:

On 12/18/06, Blair Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree entirely that not all objects need this capability but some
certainly do. That is, the capability to execute code once every
reference of an object has been removed. Could you point to, or give an
example of the Perl 6 way for doing something similar?

Well, there is one general method I can think of.  You need to know
more about your program in order to implement it; i.e. if an object
which contains an array of objects, one element of which has a socket
that needs closing, it's going to be tough to get it right.  That's
one of the negative sides of the trade-off Larry mentioned (but he
made an excellent case for the positive sides, and the reason why
we're leaning the nondeterministic way).

The main tool at your disposal is the LEAVE closure trait.  i.e.:

   sub foo {
   LEAVE { say "leaving foo" }

This code will say "leaving foo" whenever its dynamic scope ends,
whether that time is the successful completion of do_more_stuff or
whether do_stuff threw an exception.  If I understand the idiom
correctly, this exceptional case was the main reason behind RAII.  Do
your cleanup in the LEAVE block.

If you have a specific scenario that comes up a lot, other than "the
exact semantics of RAII", do describe it and that will give us
something to think about.  Either there's already some clever trick
you can do to handle it, there's a little extra language feature we'll
have to add, or you'll have to put up with doing a little more manual


Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2007-01-22 Thread Blair Sutton
Here is a script in Perl 5 with a multi-threaded RAII idiom I use quite 
a lot (In P5 & C++). I am not sure how threads will be implemented in P6 
(but hopefully one will have a *choice* of copying all variables into 
your private namespace!).Will the LEAVE closure trait take the previous 
role of P5's DESTROY or will it always be executed when one falls out of 

use strict;
use warnings;

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;

   package MyObj;

   sub new {
   my ($this, $name, $lives) = @_;
   my $self = &threads::shared::share({});
   $self->{name} = $name;
   $self->{lives} = $lives;
   $self->{tid} = threads->tid();
   print "Creating '$name' with $lives lives\n";
   bless $self;

   sub DESTROY {
   my $self = shift;
   if (threads->tid() == $self->{tid}) {
   print "Destroying '$self->{name}' with $self->{lives} lives\n";

my $s = new Thread::Semaphore;
my @B :shared;
push @B, MyObj->new('zippy', 3);
push @B, MyObj->new('biggles', 5);

my $t1 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T1');
my $t2 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T2');
my $t3 = threads->new(\&worker, 'T3');



sub worker {
   my $name = shift;
   print "$name: starting\n";
   while (1) {
   print "$name: Exiting\n";
   my $o = pop @B;
   print "$name: '$o->{name}' has $o->{lives} lives\n";
   if ($o->{lives} != 0) {
   print "$name: Remove from list\n";
   push @B, $o;
   sleep 1;



Luke Palmer wrote:

On 12/18/06, Blair Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree entirely that not all objects need this capability but some
certainly do. That is, the capability to execute code once every
reference of an object has been removed. Could you point to, or give an
example of the Perl 6 way for doing something similar?

Well, there is one general method I can think of.  You need to know
more about your program in order to implement it; i.e. if an object
which contains an array of objects, one element of which has a socket
that needs closing, it's going to be tough to get it right.  That's
one of the negative sides of the trade-off Larry mentioned (but he
made an excellent case for the positive sides, and the reason why
we're leaning the nondeterministic way).

The main tool at your disposal is the LEAVE closure trait.  i.e.:

   sub foo {
   LEAVE { say "leaving foo" }

This code will say "leaving foo" whenever its dynamic scope ends,
whether that time is the successful completion of do_more_stuff or
whether do_stuff threw an exception.  If I understand the idiom
correctly, this exceptional case was the main reason behind RAII.  Do
your cleanup in the LEAVE block.

If you have a specific scenario that comes up a lot, other than "the
exact semantics of RAII", do describe it and that will give us
something to think about.  Either there's already some clever trick
you can do to handle it, there's a little extra language feature we'll
have to add, or you'll have to put up with doing a little more manual


Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2006-12-18 Thread Luke Palmer

On 12/18/06, Blair Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree entirely that not all objects need this capability but some
certainly do. That is, the capability to execute code once every
reference of an object has been removed. Could you point to, or give an
example of the Perl 6 way for doing something similar?

Well, there is one general method I can think of.  You need to know
more about your program in order to implement it; i.e. if an object
which contains an array of objects, one element of which has a socket
that needs closing, it's going to be tough to get it right.  That's
one of the negative sides of the trade-off Larry mentioned (but he
made an excellent case for the positive sides, and the reason why
we're leaning the nondeterministic way).

The main tool at your disposal is the LEAVE closure trait.  i.e.:

   sub foo {
   LEAVE { say "leaving foo" }

This code will say "leaving foo" whenever its dynamic scope ends,
whether that time is the successful completion of do_more_stuff or
whether do_stuff threw an exception.  If I understand the idiom
correctly, this exceptional case was the main reason behind RAII.  Do
your cleanup in the LEAVE block.

If you have a specific scenario that comes up a lot, other than "the
exact semantics of RAII", do describe it and that will give us
something to think about.  Either there's already some clever trick
you can do to handle it, there's a little extra language feature we'll
have to add, or you'll have to put up with doing a little more manual


Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2006-12-18 Thread Blair Sutton

Larry Wall wrote:

...  (Perl 6 provides several ways that
are much handier than try/finally, and just about as handy as RAII.)
But baking such handicaps into every object merely guarantees it
will not scale well in the real world. 


Thanks for the information. I must admit I rely heavily on the
deterministic nature of C++ for writing "real-time" feed collectors into
stock exchanges. RAII plays a big part in managing locks between threads
and tearing down sockets cleanly (as well as many other things).  I
agree entirely that not all objects need this capability but some
certainly do. That is, the capability to execute code once every
reference of an object has been removed. Could you point to, or give an
example of the Perl 6 way for doing something similar?

Best regards, Blair

Re: RAII in Perl6/Parrot

2006-12-18 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 12:02:35PM +, Blair Sutton wrote:
: Dear all
: I hope I am sending this to the correct place.
: I regularly use the RAII idiom in Perl 5 and C++ to automatically clean 
: up resources during object destruction.
: I recently read a mail thread "Is RAII possible in Python?" at 
: and "Perl vs Python - 
: GC and Reference Counting" at 
: The above threads suggests that Python cannot do RAII since its garbage 
: collection does not offer deterministic finalization. I understand that 
: Parrot will not use reference counting for garbage collection and so may 
: suffer from the same problem. Are my fears warranted?

Short answer: absolutely.

Long answer: emphatically not.  I believe you have a bit of an XY
problem here.  You're wanting transactional security and timely
destruction but have predisposed yourself not to accept them unless
they happen to look like deterministic reference counting.  Perl 6
offers the former without offering you the latter, because Perl 6 must
run on a variety of platforms that may or may not support deterministic
reference counting semantics easily.  Perl 6 is a language, not an
implementation.  As such, it officially Doesn't Care what Parrot does
about GC under the hood.

But the problem goes much deeper than that, and has to do with
the necessary virtualization of time as we scale things up and
distribute responsibility for them.  In this day of multiple,
distributed processing units of uncertain proximity, it's going
to get harder and harder to say what a deterministic reference is.
What if a bit your program is running on a different processor and it
goes down?  You can't know that till the next GC run at the appropriate
granularity fails to sync with the down processor.  A GC solution can
finesse around such problems, up to a point, whereas a deterministic
solution really has only one approach.  In the larger and wider scale
of things, you can't know whether a reference is valid till you try
it--see the Web for an example.  The web would never have take off with
perfect accountability.  (That's why Xanadu didn't work, basically.)

All of computing is getting more like that.

For instance, people are now finding that deterministic locking
solutions don't scale up either.  STM (software transactional memory)
seems to be a way to get around that, and that's partly because a
transactional memory manager can virtualize time much like a garbage
collector can defer decisions it isn't sure of.  Two transactions
can be in conflict in real time, which would prevent at least one
of them from happening under deterministic locking.  But an STM
manager can decide the fate of the transactions based *only* on the
data dependencies, ignoring the bogus realtime dependency, and maybe
decide to allow both transactions if a consistent state is maintained.

In short, programs written in languages that require unnecessary
determinism will not escape the von Neumann bottleneck as easily
as programs written in languages that do not.  Determinism is fine
when you need it, and a good language will provide adequate ways to
express that when you do need it.  (Perl 6 provides several ways that
are much handier than try/finally, and just about as handy as RAII.)
But baking such handicaps into every object merely guarantees it
will not scale well in the real world.  The real world itself avoids
computing deterministically most of the time!  And if anything could
manage determinism, it'd probably be the real world!  Languages that
require determinism will scale only up only when the entire world is
running one huge completely entangled quantum computer.  Determinism
is not interoperable.

Anyway, that's the trend I see.  And that's why Perl 6 has lots of
ways to promise you Don't Care about various dependencies, but Do Care
about others.  That's why Perl 6 has pipes and lazy lists, junctions
and hyperoperators, contend and defer.  These are for building scalable
solutions to run on cell processors and GPUs and clusters of servers
and corporate intranets.  And maybe even trigger a Singularity or two.  :-)
