HaloO Ingo,

you wrote:
according to Damian [1]...:

    my %hash  = (a => 1, b => 2);
    my @array = %hash;
    say @array[0].isa(Pair);  # true

How can I override this behaviour?

    class MyHash is Hash {
        # Please fill in here

          # my idea is to overload &*infix:<=>

          multi method infix:{'='} ( Array @a, MyHash +%h )
              # your stuff here ...
              # in particular you have access to your private attrs
              # and methods

    my %hash is MyHash = (a => 1, b => 2);
    my @array          = %hash;   # should call my own routine

I hope the initialisation in my also calls the overloaded
operator. But why shouldn't it?
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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