All sounds good up to:

Larry Wall wrote:

The cultural ambiguity is also being reduced insofar as we're trying
to discourage use of bare constants in favor of sigilled constants.
If you see a bare function name you should generally assume it
has arguments in Perl 6.

Well, in that case, should pi, e, et al. become $pi, $e, @et al.? ;)

Seriously, though, I think we discussed this before, and we kept those constants as bare, but if there's a cultural shift, then those would probably be its poster-children. I'm also in favor of the $π type Unicode equivalents for uniformity. Boolean constants are more questionable, as is the zeroary undef, which is pretty hard-coded in the brain of the average Perl programmer.

Right now, in the Math::Basic API doc, we have:


=head2 Constants

To export the constants provided by C<Math::Basic> use the C<:constants>
tag when importing:

 use Math::Basic :constants;


=item e

 constant Num Math::Basic::e

The constant C<e>, roughly equal to C<2.71828182845905>.

=item euler_constant

 constant Num Math::Basic::γ
 constant Num Math::Basic::euler_constant

The Euler constant (or Euler-Mascheroni constant or simply γ), roughly
equal to C<0.57721566490153286>. This constant should not be confused
with C<e>.

=item golden_ratio

 constant Num Math::Basic::φ
 constant Num Math::Basic::phi
 constant Num Math::Basic::golden_ratio

The golden ratio, roughly equal to C<1.6180339887498948>.

=item i

 constant Complex Math::Basic::i

The constant C<i>, which is defined as the square root of C<-1>.

=item one

 constant Complex Math::Basic::one

The constant value C<1>.

=item pi

 constant Num Math::Basic::π
 constant Num Math::Basic::pi

The constant C<pi>, roughly equal to C<3.14159265358979>.

=item zero

 constant Complex Math::Basic::zero

The constant value C<0>.



Yes, I've spotted the bug in one and zero being complex for no good reason.

If you think that we should change to sigiled constants, then I will make it:


=head2 Constants

To export the constants provided by C<Math::Basic> use the C<:constants>
tag when importing:

 use Math::Basic :constants;


=item $e

 constant Num $Math::Basic::e

The constant C<e>, roughly equal to C<2.71828182845905>.

=item $euler_constant

 constant Num $Math::Basic::γ
 constant Num $Math::Basic::euler_constant

The Euler constant (or Euler-Mascheroni constant or simply γ), roughly
equal to C<0.57721566490153286>. This constant should not be confused
with C<e>.

=item $golden_ratio

 constant Num $Math::Basic::φ
 constant Num $Math::Basic::phi
 constant Num $Math::Basic::golden_ratio

The golden ratio, roughly equal to C<1.6180339887498948>.

=item $i

 constant Complex $Math::Basic::i

The constant C<i>, which is defined as the square root of C<-1>.

=item $one

 constant Int $Math::Basic::one

The constant value C<1>.

=item $pi

 constant Num $Math::Basic::π
 constant Num $Math::Basic::pi

The constant C<pi>, roughly equal to C<3.14159265358979>.

=item $zero

 constant Int $Math::Basic::zero

The constant value C<0>.



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