Author: wayland
Date: 2009-02-25 06:31:24 +0100 (Wed, 25 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 25540

S16: Added some information about signal processing.  
S28: Pushed the Perl5 to Perl6 special variable translation table as far as 
without receiving more information (well, maybe I could fix one or two 

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S16-io.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S16-io.pod  2009-02-25 05:19:17 UTC (rev 25539)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S16-io.pod  2009-02-25 05:31:24 UTC (rev 25540)
@@ -71,6 +71,24 @@
 S32-setting-library/IO.pod.  The main functions used are listed in S29 with 
references to 
+=head1 POSIX Signals
+The standard POSIX signals simply raise control exceptions that are handled as 
+through the signal handler, except for the fact that some of them are 
resumeable.  The 
+exception names are:
+=item * ControlExceptionSigHUP
+=item * ControlExceptionSigTERM
+=item * ControlExceptionSigINT
+See L<S04-control> for details on how to handle exceptions.  
 =head1 Additions
 Please post errors and feedback to perl6-language.  If you are making

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S28-special-names.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S28-special-names.pod       2009-02-25 05:19:17 UTC (rev 
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S28-special-names.pod       2009-02-25 05:31:24 UTC (rev 
@@ -137,104 +137,109 @@
+=head2 Perl5 to Perl6 special variable translation
-=over 4
+If a column has a "-" in it, it means that item is unavailable in that version 
of Perl.  
-Because a blank entry in either column could be taken to mean either 
-"not in Perl 6" or "unknown", the information as presented 
-below presumes an entry in both columns for every entry. 
-Options are:
-=over 6
-thing  as the var in question
--      for "not in this Perl"
-?      for "don't know yet"
-Other organizational
-schemes may become appropriate when the table is more complete.
  Perl 5              Perl 6         Comment
  -----------         -----------    -----------------------
  STDIN               $*IN           See S16; actual variable is $PROCESS::IN
  STDOUT              $*OUT          See S16; actual variable is $PROCESS::OUT
  STDERR              $*ERR          See S16; actual variable is $PROCESS::ERR
- $_                  $_             More lexically aware
+ $_ $ARG             $_             More lexically aware
  $_[1],$_[2]..       $^a,$^b..  
  $a,$b               -              Just params to anonymous block
  -                   $/             Object with results of last regex match
  $1,$2,$3...         $1,$2,$3...
- $&, $MATCH          $<>
- $`, $PREMATCH       substr based on $/.from
- $', $POSTMATCH      substr based on $/.to
+ $& $MATCH           $<>
+ $` $PREMATCH        substr based on $/.from
+ $' $POSTMATCH       substr based on $/.to
  $+                  -              But info can now be retrieved from $/
  $^N                 $*MOST_RECENT_CAPTURED_MATCH  ...or some such. 
-                  or $/[-$n]                       ...or omit 
+                       or $/[-$n]                       ...or omit 
  @-                  $1.start, etc
  @+                  $1.end, etc.
- $*                  -
- $#                  -
- $.                  $*IN.input_record_number()
- $/                  $*IN.input_record_separator()
+ %!                  -
+ $[                  -              This feature has been removed
+ $*                  -              Deprecated long ago
+ $#                  -              Deprecated long ago
+ $^H                 -              These were only ever internal anyway
+ %^H                 -
+ -                   $!             Current exception (see L<S04-control>)
+ $! $ERRNO $OS_ERROR -              Can get some info from new $!
+ $?  $CHILD_ERROR    -
+ $@  $EVAL_ERROR     -              Just throws an exception now (see 
+ $^E                 -
+ $. $NR              $*IN.input_record_number()
+ $/ $RS              $*IN.input_record_separator()
  $|                  $*OUT.autoflush()
- $,                  $*OUT.output_field_separator()
+ $, $OFS             $*OUT.output_field_separator()
  $\                  $*OUT.output_record_separator()
- $$, $PID            $*PID
- $<, $UID            $*UID          Real UID (User ID)
- $(, $GID            $*GID          Real GID (Group ID)
- $>, $EUID           $*EUID         Effective UID
- $), $EGID           $*EGID         Effective GID
- $^F, $SYS_FD_MAX    $*SYS_FD_MAX   ...or some such
- $^I, $INPLACE_EDIT  $*INPLACE_EDIT ...or some such
+ $; $SUBSEP          -
+ $$ $PID             $*PID
+ $< $UID             $*UID          Real UID (User ID)
+ $( $GID             $*GID          Real GID (Group ID)
+ $> $EUID            $*EUID         Effective UID
+ $) $EGID            $*EGID         Effective GID
+ $^F $SYS_FD_MAX     $*SYS_FD_MAX   ...or some such
+ $^I $INPLACE_EDIT   $*INPLACE_EDIT ...or some such
  $^M                 $*EMERGENCY_MEMORY ...or some such (or omit)
- $^O, $OSNAME        $*OSNAME       ...or some such
- $^P, $PERLDB        $*PERLDB       ...or some such
+ $^O $OSNAME         $*OSNAME       ...or some such
+ $^P $PERLDB         $*PERLDB       ...or some such
  $^R                 $*LAST_REGEXP_CODE_RESULT   ...or some such. Or omit.
- $^T, $BASETIME      $*BASETIME     A Temporal::Instant object
+ $^T $BASETIME       $*BASETIME     A Temporal::Instant object
  $^X                 $*EXECUTABLE_NAME ...or some such
+ ARGV                $*ARGS         Note the P6 idiom for this handle:
+                                    for =$*ARGS { 
+                                      # each time through loop
+                                      # proc a line from files named in ARGS 
+                                    }
+ @ARGV               @*ARGS
+ ARGVOUT             $*ARGVOUT      Another IO object
+ @F                  @*INPLACE_AUTOSPLIT_FIELDS   ..or some such
+ %ENV                %*ENV
- ******* XXX the columns seem to have switched! *********
+=head2 Old stuff for p5/p6 comparison
- -       $"  $LIST_SEPARATOR
+This section will eventually die, but for now, it contains some old 
information on which 
+Perl5 special variables will turn into Perl6 special variables.  
+=over 4
- ?       ${^ENCODING}
+Because a blank entry in either column could be taken to mean either 
+"not in Perl 6" or "unknown", the information as presented 
+below presumes an entry in both columns for every entry. 
+Options are:
- $!                     Universal error object with as much info as
-                        you'd like on the current exception (unthrown 
-                        outside of CATCH, thrown inside).  Unthrown 
-                        exceptions are typically interesting values 
-                        of undef.
- -       $!  $ERRNO $OS_ERROR
- -       $?  $CHILD_ERROR
- -       $@  $EVAL_ERROR
- -       $^E $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR
+=over 6
- -       %!
+thing  as the var in question
- -       $[             Index of the first element in an array, 
-                        and of the first character in a substring.
+-      for "not in this Perl"
+?      for "don't know yet"
+Other organizational
+schemes may become appropriate when the table is more complete.
+ ******* XXX the columns seem to have switched! *********
+ ?       ${^ENCODING}
  -       $^V $PERL_VERSION
  -       $]             version + patchlevel / 1000 of Perl interpreter
                         Replacement for the above two is unclear.
- -       $^H
- -       %^H
  -       ${^OPEN}
@@ -248,28 +253,12 @@
  ?       $ARGV
- $*ARGS  ARGV        Note the P6 idiom: 
-                        for =$*ARGS { 
-                           # each time through loop
-                           # proc a line from files named in ARGS 
-                        }
-         ARGVOUT
- @*INPLACE_AUTOSPLIT_FIELDS   ..or some such
-         @F
  ?       @INC        Uncertain but we need a way to add to search path
  ?       %INC        Uncertain but we need a way to add to search path
  ?       @_
- %*ENV   %ENV        Or %ENV
  %*SIG   %SIG        Or possibly &*ON_SIGINT, etc. But then we'd need 
                      to add some signal introspection in another way.
@@ -279,7 +268,8 @@
-XXX Everything below this line is older than everything above it.  XXX
+XXX Everything below this line is older than everything above it.  
+...except for the stuff at the bottom taken from S22.  XXX
 =head1 OUTLINE

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