[OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-02 Thread Stephen Zander

> "schwern" == schwern  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
schwern> Sun doesn't give out its JDK source code freely, they
schwern> have all sorts of restrictions.  If I wanted to port the
schwern> JDK I can do it, but I need special permission from Sun
schwern> to distribute it.  This Sucks.  Especially considering
schwern> that you could go through a whole lot of work and then
schwern> have Sun deny you.

Speaking as someone with feet firmly in both camps (I'm a Blackdown
member and the Debian maintainer for the jdk and some of the largest
perl modules in that distribution), IMNSHO the fatal assumption made
by millions of people is that Java is OpenSource just because it's a
*language*.  It isn't.  Get over that expectation and life becomes

Just because there's a Fortran or a COBOL standard doesn't make it any
easier to write compilers and run-time support from scratch for those
languages, regardless of platform.  And, no, no one will help support
you in this endeavour.  That's where things like Kaffe and Japhar find
themselves.  Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a
single implementation and that *implementation* happens to be
OpenSource.  Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.
Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*, where
would Perl6 go? Or even Perl5 for that matter?


"Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

Re: how the FreeBSD project gets its "core members"

2000-10-17 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Kurt" == Kurt D Starsinic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kurt> Come come, Stephen.  Don't start a flamewar.  We all
Kurt> know that Perl's threading model lacks fairings . . . .

Moi? I'm not the one who mentioned the f-word. :)


"Good idea, O Lord!"... "'Course it's a good idea!"

Re: how the FreeBSD project gets its "core members"

2000-10-16 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Adam" == Adam Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Adam> http://www.freebsd.org/FAQ/misc.html#AEN4823

The entry below that is even more apropos.


"And what do we burn apart from witches?"... "More witches!"

Re: how the FreeBSD project gets its "core members"

2000-10-15 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Jean-Louis" == Jean-Louis Leroy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jean-Louis> I know that any discussion I hold in anything other
Jean-Louis> than French costs me extra efforts. If the discussion
Jean-Louis> is an argument, held in English, with/against a native
Jean-Louis> English speaker, I start with an obvious handicap. If
Jean-Louis> the argument becomes aggressive or literary, the
Jean-Louis> handicap can become quite huge.

OTOH, all core perl development has occured in English to this point.
How have non-native speakers faired so far?  I know there are a number
of significant contributors to perl for whom English is possibly not
even their second language.


"She turned me into a newt!"... "Really?"... "I got better."

Re: how the FreeBSD project gets its "core members"

2000-10-14 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Adam" == Adam Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Adam> No worries.  These BSD guys are onto something.  Here's
Adam> another report from daemonnews, talking about the election
Adam> process in more detail.  Apparently, FreeBSD was getting
Adam> stagnant, and this election is a way for them to get new
Adam> blood and more community involvement in the project.

That is about the most sensible process I've read for the "management"
of a OSS project (perhaps after the Debian model, but Debian isn't a
project and you could argue that it isn't managed either).

One question: how does an individual become a committer in the first
place?  This question becomes of upmost significance to folks like
David Grove :)


"Good idea, O Lord!"... "'Course it's a good idea!"

Re: Continued RFC process

2000-10-11 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Dan" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dan> what happens if for some reason I turn into a raving nutter
Dan> and won't go?

What you mean "will", Kimosabi? :)


"Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

Re: Continued RFC process

2000-10-10 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Dan" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dan> A better analogy is that Larry's the Bishop and Chief
Dan> Architect, while the rest of us are engineers, sectional
Dan> architects, artisans, craftsmen, journeymen, and apprentices,
Dan> working to build up a cathedral. (And yes, I do mean this
Dan> analogy in the way you likely think I do, amongst other ways)

Ooohh, Freemasonry comes to Perl.  Can I make up the handshake? :)


"And what do we burn apart from witches?"... "More witches!"

Re: Continued RFC process

2000-10-09 Thread Stephen Zander

> "David" == David Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David> If the "public say" is limited to an RFC freeforall, then
David> closed off to let the elite go to work, then the whole
David> "public say" policy is a farce an order of magnitude worse
David> than the "great perl merge". Either the public has a voice,
David> or it doesn't.

Sorry, I disagree.  If I'm building a house I don't sit there and
critique the way the carpenter hammers nails.  I do, however, make
sure the architect and I understand what the finished building will
look like.

The lack of difference between perl and Perl has been the greatest
cause of unease, disquiet and the disenfranchisement of parts of the
Perl community because it's impossible to talk about one without
involving the other.  Clearer seperation of language and
implementation with clear specifications and a public process for the
former is sufficient for this to be avoided for Perl6.  It is not
necessary to allow everyone the ability to comment on every phase *as
it happens*.


"Good idea, O Lord!"... "'Course it's a good idea!"

Re: Undermining the Perl Language

2000-10-01 Thread Stephen Zander

> "David" == David Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David> This country (apologies to non-US citizens) was not founded
David> on committee action, but on rebellion.

I hope the irony of a proponent of non-profit motives holding up a
rebellion that was exclusively profit-motive based in support of their
arguments is not lost on other non-US members of this list.


"And what do we burn apart from witches?"... "More witches!"

Re: *REALLY*, it's getting close here...

2000-09-28 Thread Stephen Zander

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Stephen> Not necessarily.  Nat recently posted about his
Stephen> misinterpretation of Larry's plans but said he still
Stephen> planned to lean on people to finish by October 1
Stephen> otherwise they'd never get done.

Of course, I'm probably full of crap too...

Stephen (who just read perl6-announce for the first time in three days)

"Run away!.. Run away!.."  %

Re: *REALLY*, it's getting close here...

2000-09-28 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Simon" == Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Simon> Hm. So this means there's no point me submitting anything
Simon> now, because it's not going to have time to be discussed
Simon> and frozen? G-r-reat.

Not necessarily.  Nat recently posted about his misinterpretation of
Larry's plans but said he still planned to lean on people to finish by
October 1 otherwise they'd never get done.

Type fast just the same though


"There are those who call me... Tim"

Re: code repository

2000-09-05 Thread Stephen Zander

> "Bradley" == Bradley M Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bradley> On a personal note, I would not be able to participate in
Bradley> Perl6 development if doing so required that I use
Bradley> perforce, because I have personal ethical beliefs that
Bradley> prohibit me from using free software.  I may not be the
   ^ non-
Bradley> only one.

I'm sure everyone understood what you meant but it's not what you

Stephen (who's going back to his pedant corner now)

"She turned me into a newt!"... "Really?"... "I got better."