Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-03 Thread David L. Nicol

Stephen Zander wrote:

> OpenSource.  Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.

Well it's a dicier proposition that writing a Fortran or COBOL 
implementation from scratch, but it's Not Intractable.  The next
assertion might come as a small shock to you but Larry isn't god.

Topaz worked, didn't it?

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*, where
> would Perl6 go? Or even Perl5 for that matter?

We would have to continue operating under the license we have been
granted, which does not contain provision for rescinsion.

> --
> Stephen
> "Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

   David Nicol 816.235.1187
And the cow threw up seven times, and said:
"Say it now and say it loud, I'm a cow and I am proud."

[OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-02 Thread Stephen Zander

> "schwern" == schwern  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
schwern> Sun doesn't give out its JDK source code freely, they
schwern> have all sorts of restrictions.  If I wanted to port the
schwern> JDK I can do it, but I need special permission from Sun
schwern> to distribute it.  This Sucks.  Especially considering
schwern> that you could go through a whole lot of work and then
schwern> have Sun deny you.

Speaking as someone with feet firmly in both camps (I'm a Blackdown
member and the Debian maintainer for the jdk and some of the largest
perl modules in that distribution), IMNSHO the fatal assumption made
by millions of people is that Java is OpenSource just because it's a
*language*.  It isn't.  Get over that expectation and life becomes

Just because there's a Fortran or a COBOL standard doesn't make it any
easier to write compilers and run-time support from scratch for those
languages, regardless of platform.  And, no, no one will help support
you in this endeavour.  That's where things like Kaffe and Japhar find
themselves.  Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a
single implementation and that *implementation* happens to be
OpenSource.  Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.
Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*, where
would Perl6 go? Or even Perl5 for that matter?


"Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Me

All, of course, imho:

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*

Well they can only do that to a copy of their own, not
existing copies. While the law isn't clear on a lot of
nuances related to more complex open source
licenses, perl's is clear enough that it is implausible
that A) a non-corrupt modern judicial system is going
to interpret it in a way that allows license changes to
apply retroactively to existing copies and B) they can
then enforce this in a manner that truly stops a fork.

(And guess which version the book authors and gurus
would follow? Consider Borland's Interbase, which had
a far more restrictive license, not even remotely as
open as perl. Borland mucked about, so the community
forked. All the gurus immediately backed the fork and
the new direction was established in less than a week.
Now Borland seeks to merge its fork (the original
set of sources, since further developed a little) back
with the community fork. This will happen, and the
pragmatic strength of freedom over self-serving
manipulation will have asserted itself.)

> Try writing a second Perl implementation from
> scratch.

Indeed, Perl 6 is, afaik, a rewrite, from scratch.
All you need is a community willing and able to do it.

> Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a single
> implementation and that *implementation* happens to be
> OpenSource.

If anyone concludes that a particular language with a clear
spec that stands free of any given implementation is a
lesser strategic risk than perl, then I think they should adopt
that other language. I very much doubt they will have much
success convincing those working on perl that a commitment
to a spec that stands free of the current implementation would
be a good use of their time, because the license is sufficiently
free, and a stand alone spec that kept up with a continuously
evolving and pragmatically driven thing like perl would take
an inordinate amount of effort.

Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Stephen Zander [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>Speaking as someone with feet firmly in both camps (I'm a Blackdown
*>member and the Debian maintainer for the jdk and some of the largest
*>perl modules in that distribution), IMNSHO the fatal assumption made
*>by millions of people is that Java is OpenSource just because it's a
*>*language*.  It isn't.  Get over that expectation and life becomes

Well, I think a lot of people don't consider the OS v CS when choosing a
technology and, honestly, it's not the point I was trying to make.

I see too much griping about how anything that isn't open source sucks,
etc. while all around us there are fewer and fewer choices to make. I
don't care so much about licensing as I have my own personal choices that
aren't shared by everyone nor do I expect them to be so or consider others
who don't to be stupid. But I am very concerned that as time goes by that
diversity in platforms and in software will cease to exist.

George Carlin had a interesting observation that our lives are filled with
meaningless choices at the grocery store, 165 breakfast cereals, over 100
different kinds of mustard, and that while we have these meaningless
choices we have little diversity in important choices; 2 poltical parties, 
2 or 3 major media companies, 2 home computing platforms, etc.  I have
this same feeling when looking at computing these days.

Saying that Microsoft Sucks has not had much effect on its market share or
in deterring people from using it. I wouldn't expect much more of an
effect by saying Java or anything else sucks. Obviously, there needs to be
a better method of making open source technologies more attractive to more


Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread schwern

On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 01:49:45PM -0700, Stephen Zander wrote:
> Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a single
> implementation and that *implementation* happens to be OpenSource.
> Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.

Fortunately, we don't have to. :)

Perl 6 should have a more fathomable design, or at least better
documented.  I don't think it'll ever reach the sort of standards that
things like Java and C++ have.  Then again, have you LOOKED at the
ANSI C++ standard? ;)

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*

In that Highly Unlikely event, we can simply fork off the source code
from the point where the license changed.  License changes are not
retroactive.  The only restriction is we couldn't call it 'perl' under
the AL.

I don't think such a thing has ever happened to a major Open Source
project, this doesn't worry me.  The license squabbling between the
various BSD's is similar, but they're all still Open.

> where would Perl6 go? 

Same place its going right now, as there's no code. :)

Michael G Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Kwalitee Is Job One