Hi everyone,

I wanted to share something here of my newest experience about testing on appveyor. I had pinched a configuration file for an appveyor test, because it was new for me and I am not experienced on windows. It worked for several of my modules so I was happy until I ran into a problem.

Before running tests panda is run to install all dependencies. There it could not find a module in the ecosystem. This was not my experience running tests on Travis. After a few tests I found that the knowledge of panda about the modules in the ecosytem was restricted to the set known at the time of building rakudo star which is used on the appveyer server. So adding a line 'panda update' before installing updates did the trick.

Happy testing!
Marcel Timmerman

P.s. In the attachment you can find the appveyor config I use for most of the distributions I am testing.

P.s. I have filed this problem in an issue at https://github.com/tadzik/panda/issues/332, #332 panda can't install a module in windows(appveyor). I've closed that issue now.

Attachment: appveyor.yml
Description: application/yaml

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