What should be the perl6 idiom for handling debug code?

I am writing a program that will be run with large values and take some time when it is clear that it is running correctly.

In order to ensure that the program is correct, I have added code to generate and output intermediate results. I do not want this code to be compiled for the large values. At the same time, I don't want to eliminate the code in case the intermediate results will be needed again. I have previously handled this situation by commenting out the debug code, but this leads to problems when I want it back.

My first thought was:

constant DEBUG = True;

    # code generating intermediate results

But then this fails in this context

class A {
    has $.a is rw;
    BEGIN { if DEBUG {
        has @.mem-metric;
    has $.b;
    # etc etc etc

    method reset {
         @.mem-metric = ()

I actually got " Null PMC access in find_method('mem-metric') " without a line number to indicate at what point the compilation got stopped, which indicates that this is a bug rather than a syntax error.

However, I was wondering whether there was another way to achieve the same effect. Possible using POD as an extension of just commenting out the code?


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